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Dossier Video Inaccessible Depuis Filestation...
gorglob a répondu à un(e) sujet de gorglob dans File Station
Ok merci je vais essayer de creuse de ce coté la. En tout cas c'est vraiment reloud...J’espère trouver une parade. -
Bonjour, jusqu'a présent je n'ai eu aucun problème avec filestation, mais depuis ce matin, lorsque je me connecte avec mon compte admin, et que je tente d’accéder au répertoire video créé automatiquement lorsqu'on active le serveur multimedia, j'ai le message d'erreur suivant : Pourtant ça fonctionnait parfaitement jusqu'à hier, et les drois d’accès a ce répertoire sont bon : Quelqu'un a une idée de ce que je peux faire pour palier à ce problème ? d'avance merci
Outil De Conversion Xmltv Vers Epg Videostation
gorglob a répondu à un(e) sujet de CoolRaoul dans Video Station
Bon, je suis un boulet, c’était simplement du au fait que je captais mal avec la petite antenne livrée avec la carte. bon ben je sais ce qui me reste à faire. Merci pour ton aide CoulRaoul -
Outil De Conversion Xmltv Vers Epg Videostation
gorglob a répondu à un(e) sujet de CoolRaoul dans Video Station
Je viens de tester et non effectivement ca ne fonctionne pas. Je reteste en branchant ma carte sur l'antenne de l'appart, pour voir si ca ne serait pas simplement un probleme de signal. -
Outil De Conversion Xmltv Vers Epg Videostation
gorglob a répondu à un(e) sujet de CoolRaoul dans Video Station
Merci pour ton retour. Par contre, j'ai essayé de lancer des enregistrements et aucun n'a fonctionné. Ça me met au niveau de : "Programme des enregistrements" : Incomplet. Je me demandais si ça venait du fait que j'ai peut être utilisé une clef "non compatible" ? Pour info, je suis en France, je possède un DS413J, j'ai branché une PCTV Picostick qui est bien détectée au niveau du syno sous la forme : PCTV 74E - PCTV Systems Par contre, il est vrai que Vidéo Station n'a jamais réussi a trouver une seule chaîne j'ai procédé comme expliqué dans le tuto, en scannant les chaines depuis mon Portable. Selon vous je suis susceptible de pouvoir enregistrer la TV avec ou suis je en train de me prendre la tête pour rien ? D'avance merci pour vos réponses. -
Outil De Conversion Xmltv Vers Epg Videostation
gorglob a répondu à un(e) sujet de CoolRaoul dans Video Station
Bonjour, j'essai tant bien que mal de comprendre ce que vous expliquez, mais la je ne pige pas trop ce qui se passe. J'ai suivi vos recommandations et pourtant j'ai ceci lorsque j'execute les commandesdu tuto : Gorglob-NAS> /usr/syno/bin/wget -O xml2epg.pl http://tiny.cc/xml2epg-latest --23:54:37-- http://tiny.cc/xml2epg-latest => `xml2epg.pl' Resolving tiny.cc... Connecting to tiny.cc||:... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently Location: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=4MSDQLD1 [following] --23:54:37-- http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=4MSDQLD1 => `xml2epg.pl' Resolving pastebin.com... Connecting to pastebin.com||:... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/plain] [ <=> ] 8,941 44.97K/s 23:54:38 (44.75 KB/s) - `xml2epg.pl' saved [8941] Gorglob-NAS> /usr/syno/bin/wget -O /usr/local/etc/xml2epg.conf http://tiny.cc/xml 2epg-conf --23:55:04-- http://tiny.cc/xml2epg-conf => `/usr/local/etc/xml2epg.conf' Resolving tiny.cc... Connecting to tiny.cc||:... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently Location: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aDbPxBEQ [following] --23:55:04-- http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aDbPxBEQ => `/usr/local/etc/xml2epg.conf' Resolving pastebin.com... Connecting to pastebin.com||:... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/plain] [ <=> ] 1,736 --.--K/s 23:55:05 (974.75 KB/s) - `/usr/local/etc/xml2epg.conf' saved [1736] Gorglob-NAS> perl xml2epg.pl http://xmltv.dyndns.org/download/tnt_lite.zip xml2epg.pl: parsing /usr/local/etc/xml2epg.conf. xml2epg.pl: done. xml2epg.pl: parsing /usr/syno/etc/packages/VideoStation/channels.conf. xml2epg.pl: done. xml2epg.pl: fetching http://xmltv.dyndns.org/download/tnt_lite.zip. 23:55:18 URL:http://xmltv.dyndns.org/download/tnt_lite.zip [946315/946315] -> "/tmp/YfXwXfB3ae.zip" [1] xml2epg.pl: fetched. xml2epg.pl: unzipping /tmp/YfXwXfB3ae.zip. xml2epg.pl: unzipped. xml2epg.pl: parsing XMLTV file. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 229. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 248. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 1461. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 4238. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 4792. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 6019. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 7983. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 8009. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 9038. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 11651. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 11670. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 11847. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 254, <XML> line 15781. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 15853. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 16064. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 19164. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 23159. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 23656. utf8 "\xC2" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 24513. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 24921. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 254, <XML> line 26726. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 26739. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 33758. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 35156. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 37242. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 37660. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 38550. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 42750. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 45526. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 45545. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 47427. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 47443. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 50618. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 51057. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 51315. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 52008. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 52034. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 52172. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 52200. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 56230. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 56524. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 56557. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 58635. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 60130. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 61102. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 61126. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 61606. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 61707. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 65103. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 65809. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 66519. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 67094. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 67104. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 70078. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 70109. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 70364. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 254, <XML> line 71704. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 73908. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 73933. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 79554. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 79571. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 81771. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 82622. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 89036. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 90307. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 94178. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 94720. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 95690. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 98446. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 257, <XML> line 101033. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 101050. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 102988. utf8 "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at xml2epg.pl line 236, <XML> line 104397. xml2epg.pl: parsed. xml2epg.pl: creating epg.1542@754167000 (TMC). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.257@490167000 (France 2). xml2epg.pl: mapping for channel D8 not found!. xml2epg.pl: add "defname D8 <channel.conf name>" in config file. xml2epg.pl: ignoring "D8". xml2epg.pl: creating epg.260@490167000 (France 5). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.1026@730167000 (W9). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.262@490167000 (LCP). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.1025@730167000 (M6). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.1538@754167000 (NRJ12). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.1031@730167000 (ARTE HD H264). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.1543@754167000 (ARTE). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.1537@754167000 (TF1). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.277@490167000 (France 3). xml2epg.pl: creating epg.1027@730167000 (NT1). xml2epg.pl: mapping for channel D17 not found!. xml2epg.pl: add "defname D17 <channel.conf name>" in config file. xml2epg.pl: ignoring "D17". Quelqu'un a une idée ?