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Tout ce qui a été posté par michel1

  1. Bonjour tout le monde Je voudrais installer moodle et lors de l'installation il me demande le port de la base de données. Quelqu'un peut il m'aider; car je ne sais quoi mettre. Ou existe il un tutoriaux ? Merci
  2. Bonjour Quelqu'un à t'il installé fengoffice, car j'ai toujours ce message d'erreur, fengoffice erreur de chargement. Merci
  3. Bonjour J'ai les mêmes problèmes que toi. Mais moi je ne sais pas manipuler les commandes. J'ai créé un répertoire comme toi, mai moi j'ai cette réponse à l'ouverture de la page "Can't write into config directory! This can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the config directory." Je ne sais pas ce que je dois faire, par contre la base de données owncloud est créé mais il n'y a aucune table. Merci de votre aide
  4. Bonjour à tous J'ai eu la réponse par la hot line synology. Il suffisait de faire un reset pour supprimer les mots de passe. Cela marche j'ai encore des petits problème avec roundcube et owncloud mais dans l'ensemble tout va bien. J'espère que cela pourra aider d'autres personnes. Merci
  5. Bonsoir, Depuis ma mise à jour vers DSM5 je n'ai plus accès à ma messagerie et tout mes sites Web. J'ai des messages important à récupérer. Le problème vient certainement de mariadb qui bloque l’Accès à phpadmin et je ne peux avoir accès aux bases de données. Quelqu'un aurait il une réponse et comment récupérer mes messages. Merci
  6. michel1

    Installer Agora

    Bonsoir Oui 'jy suis arrivé. J'ai crée une base de donnée dans phpadmin que j'ai nommée agora, ensuite j'ai copié agora dans le dossier web de mon syno. J'ai ouvert mon navigateur à l'adresse de mon syno/agora. Là il m'indique une erreur mysql je n'en tient pas compte. Je poursuit l'installation en indiquant mon nom administrateur et mot de passe de phpadmin en restant en localhost et la base de donnée se remplit toute seule. J'ai acces à agora sans problème. J'espère avoir été assez clair car je suis novice. Merci
  7. Bonjour Domlas Merci pour ta réponse. Mais pour moi le problème est la base de donnée et je n'y connais rien. C'est pour cela que je demande l'aide pour la créer. De plus il faut deplacer un dossier dont le site pointeras dessus et je suppose sera là ou je sauvegarderais mes informations de genealogie. Alors merci pour ceux qui peuvent m'aider
  8. bonjour tout le monde Je voudrais installe phpgedview. Je l'ai copié dans mon dossier web mais après je ne sais pas comment faire. Il faudrait que je craie une base de donnée et que je déplace le fichier index mais je connais pas la procédure. Quelqu'un peut il m'aider. Merci
  9. Bonjour pluton J'ai essayé mais je n'y comprends rien et je n'ai toujours pas de calendrier. Tu n'as pas une explication en français Merci
  10. Bonjour tous le monde Comment fait on pour installer un plugin calendrier et filtre des messages sur roundcube. J'ai la version 0.95 Merci
  11. Bonjour tout le monde J'ai ce message d'erreur sur owncloud: Votre dossier de données et vos fichiers sont probablement accessibles depuis internet. Le fichier .htaccess ne fonctionne pas. Nous vous recommandons vivement de configurer votre serveur web de façon à ce que ce dossier de données ne soit plus accessible, ou bien de le déplacer à l'extérieur de la racine du serveur web. Quelqu'un peut me dire ce que je dois faire? Merci
  12. michel1

    Installer Agora

    Bonjour Agora project est un espace ou tu peux partager avec ton equipe tes agendas, tes contacts, tes fichiers, forums, messagerie instantannée. Voici leur site: Jaimerais bien le tester sur mon syno. mais je ne sais pas l'installer. Merci
  13. Bonjour tout le monde Je voudrais installer agora project sur mon ds713+ mais il faut crer une base de données mysql. Ne touchant pas à cela car je n'y connais rien. Quelqu'un pourrait il me donner la méthode pour installer agora. Merci
  14. Bonjour à tous, J'aimerais savoir comment avoir acces aux site de chaque utilisateur et si je peux leur donner un nom Merci
  15. Bonjour Je n'ai plus acces non plus a mailstation et je pense que c'est dut à zarafa. Je l'ai désinstallé et toujours le même probleme. Peux-tu me dire comment tu as solutionné ce problème en me donnant la marche à suivre, car je ne connais rien en commende et je ne sais ou il faut les taper. Merci
  16. Bonjour, Merci à tous ceux qui ont voulut m'aider. Mon problème est résolu. Je pense que cela venait du mot de passe. Celui de l'administrateur était avec plusieurs signe bizarre. Je l'ai changé par que des lettres et depuis j'ai acces à roundcube. Merci pour votre aide
  17. bonsoir merci pour la réponse, mais qu'elle serait la solution pour résoudre mon problème. Où aurais je fais une erreur dans l'installation? Je sens que vais être obliger de tout réinstaller
  18. Bonjour, Désolé de mon retard de réponse mais beaucoup d'occupation. Voici la réponse de la premier commande: tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:161 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:515 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:548 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:5000 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:5001 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:139 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:5005 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:5006 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538: ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:465 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:21 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:22 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:631 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:23 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:5432 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:25 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:443 ::%135518642:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 ::%135354538:445 ::%135518642:* LISTEN La deuxieme commande: ...tore/webconsole/app/wc_work> ps |grep dovecot 16497 root 2536 S sh -c ps |grep dovecot 2>&1 16499 root 2540 R grep dovecot Petite question pour moi c'est quoi dovecot? J'espere que cela va vous aider pour me donner une réponse a mon problème. Merci
  19. Bonsoir Pluton voici ce que cela donne ...tore/webconsole/app/wc_work> > var/log/messages ...tore/webconsole/app/wc_work> cat /var/log/messages Dec 6 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-1 Dec 6 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 6 07:01:57 hotplugd: external_disk_port_check.c:280 device path should not be NULL Dec 6 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 6 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/002 Dec 6 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-1:1.0 Dec 6 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 6 07:01:57 hotplugd: INTERFACE:8/6/80 Dec 6 07:01:57 synorelayd[6862]: request_alias.cpp:119 alias name is not string or empty Dec 6 07:01:57 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:684 failed to get request for keep alive Dec 6 07:02:10 root: Syslog Server updater start Dec 6 07:02:55 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrade database Dec 6 07:02:55 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrading user database Dec 6 07:02:55 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrading user database: successful Dec 6 07:02:55 root: Cloud Station updater: start upgrade data db Dec 6 07:02:55 root: Cloud Station updater: start upgrade server db Dec 6 07:02:55 root: Cloud Station updater: start move db Dec 6 07:02:55 root: moving old client DB for Dec 6 07:02:55 root: all volume: /volume1 Dec 6 07:02:55 root: create /volume1/@tmp/@cstn-share.10797 Dec 6 07:02:55 root: moving old client OK Dec 6 07:02:55 root: CS: []: Cloud station start... Dec 6 07:03:36 scheduler: scheduler.c:315 Failed to get value of download_schedule Dec 6 07:03:36 scheduler: scheduler.c:322 Failed to get value of download_amule_schedule Dec 6 07:03:48 scemd: scemd.c:413 stop manutild. Dec 6 07:03:48 scemd: scemd.c:413 stop manutild. Dec 6 23:00:01 scemd: scemd.c:287 receive SIGTERM Dec 6 23:00:02 supervise/syslog-ng[8471]: Daemon exited gracefully, not restarting; exitcode='0' Dec 6 23:00:32 root: CS: []: Cloud station stop... Dec 6 23:00:32 synoaudiod: synoaudiod.cpp:1078 synoaudiod exit Dec 6 23:00:45 scheduler: scheduler.c (1744) Got signal. Die gracefully. Dec 6 23:00:48 root: /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ stop findhostd Dec 6 23:00:49 synorelayd[6862]: request.cpp:79 curl_share_cleanup failed Dec 6 23:00:49 synorelayd[6862]: request_alias.cpp:119 alias name is not string or empty Dec 6 23:00:49 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:684 failed to get request for keep alive Dec 6 23:00:51 synorelayd[6862]: request.cpp:79 curl_share_cleanup failed Dec 6 23:00:51 synorelayd[6862]: request_alias.cpp:119 alias name is not string or empty Dec 6 23:00:51 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:684 failed to get request for keep alive killall: synolunbkp: no process killed Dec 6 23:01:01 supervise/syslog-ng[7037]: Daemon exited gracefully, not restarting; exitcode='0' Dec 6 23:01:06 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:909 get signal, logout Dec 6 23:01:06 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:1148 stoped Dec 6 23:01:09 dhcpcd[3086]: terminating on signal 15 Dec 6 23:01:09 syslogd exiting Dec 7 07:01:37 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.16.1 Dec 7 07:01:38 spacetool: spacetool.c:2463 [info] Old vg path: [/dev/vg1000], New vg path: [/dev/vg1000], UUID: [1SgDjF-kFWN-SKcF-eU3q-15Cu-jKPm-ezKTOc] Dec 7 07:01:38 spacetool: spacetool.c:2470 [info] Activate all VG Dec 7 07:01:38 dhcpcd[3086]: dhcpReboot: do not want cache Dec 7 07:01:38 spacetool: spacetool.c:2481 Activate LVM [/dev/vg1000] Dec 7 07:01:39 synovspace: vspace_wrapper_load_all.c:75 [iNFO] The mount device path of space [/volume1] is [/dev/vg1000/lv] Dec 7 07:01:41 synologset1: log_syslog_send.c:134 Error connecting to target server: Connection refused Dec 7 07:01:41 synologset1: log_set1.c:332 Fail to send syslog to remote server. Dec 7 07:01:46 scemd: scemd.c:154 fan_type=6, raid_type=1, led_type=1, thermal_type=1, diskled_ctrl_type=1, auto_poweron_type=1, dual_power_type=1, usbcopy_type=1, fan_number=1, eunit_pwron_type=1, pis_type=1, rtc_type=3, lcm_type=2, wifi_wps_type=0 Dec 7 07:01:47 scemd: modules/fan_speed_adjust_common.c:118 Type: INTERNAL Fan Mode: LOW Dec 7 07:01:48 scemd: modules/raid_sys_volume_check.c:150 MD0 active disks 2, designed disks 2 Dec 7 07:01:48 scemd: modules/raid_sys_volume_check.c:150 MD1 active disks 2, designed disks 2 Dec 7 07:01:48 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1802 Force hibernation enable, idle minutes 20 Dec 7 07:01:48 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1817 SATA Deep sleep timer 1 Dec 7 07:01:48 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1826 Eunit Deep sleep timer 0 Dec 7 07:01:48 scemd: modules/cpu_frequence_adjust.c:176 cpufreq module was not loaded, CPU Frequence Scalling was disabled. Dec 7 07:01:48 scemd: modules/scemd_connector.c:103 scemd connector thread start. Dec 7 07:01:48 scemd: scemd.c:154 fan_type=6, raid_type=1, led_type=1, thermal_type=1, diskled_ctrl_type=1, auto_poweron_type=1, dual_power_type=1, usbcopy_type=1, fan_number=1, eunit_pwron_type=1, pis_type=1, rtc_type=3, lcm_type=2, wifi_wps_type=0 Dec 7 07:01:48 scemd: scemd.c:353 WIFI/WPS button is not support on this model. Dec 7 07:01:48 kernel: [ 63.356363] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: Etron chip found. Dec 7 07:01:48 kernel: [ 63.367251] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: Failed to enable MSI-X Dec 7 07:01:48 synoprint: printer_enable_ext.c:488 delete printer failed: no bus id Dec 7 07:01:49 syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD10EFRX-68JCSN0], Firmware:[01.01A01], S/N:[WD-WMC1U5310048] in [/dev/sdb] is not ssd Dec 7 07:01:49 syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD10EFRX-68JCSN0], Firmware:[01.01A01], S/N:[WD-WMC1U5310411] in [/dev/sda] is not ssd Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 64.826474] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Asking for cache data failed Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 64.832579] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 64.841091] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Asking for cache data failed Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 64.847081] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 64.984930] GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk. Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 64.992342] GPT:225279 != 250879 Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 64.995577] GPT:Alternate GPT header not at the end of the disk. Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 65.001623] GPT:225279 != 250879 Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 65.004855] GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors. Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 65.017383] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Asking for cache data failed Dec 7 07:01:50 kernel: [ 65.023367] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through Dec 7 07:01:50 synocheckshare: Fix shares in smb.conf. Dec 7 07:01:54 synousbdisk: RCClean succeeded Dec 7 07:01:54 synosata: synosata.c:152 no external sata devices granted Dec 7 07:01:56 ddnsd: main(ddnsd.c:3006): not enable DDNS, shutdown daemon Dec 7 07:01:56 heartbeatd: heartbeatd.c:164 DDNS does not enable, skip starting Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1a.7 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , ) Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1a.7 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1d.7 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , ) Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1d.7 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:04:00.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/003/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb3 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb3 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb3, /proc/bus/usb/003/001, add, , ) Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:04:00.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/003/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:3-0:1.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/004/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0000:04:00.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/004/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb4 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb4 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb4, /proc/bus/usb/004/001, add, , ) Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/004/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0000:04:00.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/004/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:4-0:1.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/005/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1a.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/005/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb5 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb5 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb5, /proc/bus/usb/005/001, add, , ) Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/005/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1a.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/005/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:5-0:1.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/006/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/006/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb6 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb6 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb6, /proc/bus/usb/006/001, add, , ) Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/006/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/006/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:6-0:1.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/007/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.1 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/007/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb7 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb7 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb7, /proc/bus/usb/007/001, add, , ) Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/007/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.1 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/007/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:7-0:1.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/008/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.2 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/008/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb8 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb8 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb8, /proc/bus/usb/008/001, add, , ) Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/008/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.2 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/008/001 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:8-0:1.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/002 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-1 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: external_disk_port_check.c:280 device path should not be NULL Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/002 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-1:1.0 Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:8/6/80 Dec 7 07:01:56 synorelayd[6862]: request_alias.cpp:119 alias name is not string or empty Dec 7 07:01:56 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:684 failed to get request for keep alive Dec 7 07:02:10 root: Syslog Server updater start Dec 7 07:02:54 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrade database Dec 7 07:02:54 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrading user database Dec 7 07:02:54 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrading user database: successful Dec 7 07:02:54 root: Cloud Station updater: start upgrade data db Dec 7 07:02:54 root: Cloud Station updater: start upgrade server db Dec 7 07:02:54 root: Cloud Station updater: start move db Dec 7 07:02:55 root: moving old client DB for Dec 7 07:02:55 root: all volume: /volume1 Dec 7 07:02:55 root: create /volume1/@tmp/@cstn-share.10814 Dec 7 07:02:55 root: moving old client OK Dec 7 07:02:55 root: CS: []: Cloud station start... Dec 7 07:03:37 scheduler: scheduler.c:315 Failed to get value of download_schedule Dec 7 07:03:37 scheduler: scheduler.c:322 Failed to get value of download_amule_schedule Dec 7 07:03:48 scemd: scemd.c:413 stop manutild. Dec 7 07:03:48 scemd: scemd.c:413 stop manutild. Dec 7 08:38:40 scemd: scemd.c:225 stop manutild. Dec 7 09:02:48 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:942 get sigpipe Dec 7 09:02:57 synorelayd[6862]: request_alias.cpp:119 alias name is not string or empty Dec 7 09:02:57 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:684 failed to get request for keep alive Dec 7 23:00:02 scemd: scemd.c:287 receive SIGTERM Dec 7 23:00:02 supervise/syslog-ng[8781]: Daemon exited gracefully, not restarting; exitcode='0' Dec 7 23:00:26 root: CS: []: Cloud station stop... Dec 7 23:00:26 synoaudiod: synoaudiod.cpp:1078 synoaudiod exit Dec 7 23:00:38 scheduler: scheduler.c (1744) Got signal. Die gracefully. Dec 7 23:00:40 root: /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ stop findhostd Dec 7 23:00:41 synorelayd[6862]: request.cpp:79 curl_share_cleanup failed Dec 7 23:00:41 synorelayd[6862]: request_alias.cpp:119 alias name is not string or empty Dec 7 23:00:41 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:684 failed to get request for keep alive Dec 7 23:00:43 synorelayd[6862]: request.cpp:79 curl_share_cleanup failed Dec 7 23:00:43 synorelayd[6862]: request_alias.cpp:119 alias name is not string or empty Dec 7 23:00:43 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:684 failed to get request for keep alive killall: synolunbkp: no process killed Dec 7 23:00:53 supervise/syslog-ng[7034]: Daemon exited gracefully, not restarting; exitcode='0' Dec 7 23:00:58 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:909 get signal, logout Dec 7 23:00:58 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:1148 stoped Dec 7 23:01:00 syslogd exiting Dec 7 23:39:41 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.16.1 Dec 7 23:39:42 dhcpcd[3086]: dhcpReboot: do not want cache Dec 7 23:39:42 spacetool: spacetool.c:2463 [info] Old vg path: [/dev/vg1000], New vg path: [/dev/vg1000], UUID: [1SgDjF-kFWN-SKcF-eU3q-15Cu-jKPm-ezKTOc] Dec 7 23:39:42 spacetool: spacetool.c:2470 [info] Activate all VG Dec 7 23:39:42 spacetool: spacetool.c:2481 Activate LVM [/dev/vg1000] Dec 7 23:39:43 synovspace: vspace_wrapper_load_all.c:75 [iNFO] The mount device path of space [/volume1] is [/dev/vg1000/lv] Dec 7 23:39:45 synologset1: log_syslog_send.c:134 Error connecting to target server: Connection refused Dec 7 23:39:45 synologset1: log_set1.c:332 Fail to send syslog to remote server. Dec 7 23:39:51 scemd: scemd.c:154 fan_type=6, raid_type=1, led_type=1, thermal_type=1, diskled_ctrl_type=1, auto_poweron_type=1, dual_power_type=1, usbcopy_type=1, fan_number=1, eunit_pwron_type=1, pis_type=1, rtc_type=3, lcm_type=2, wifi_wps_type=0 Dec 7 23:39:51 scemd: modules/fan_speed_adjust_common.c:118 Type: INTERNAL Fan Mode: LOW Dec 7 23:39:52 scemd: modules/raid_sys_volume_check.c:150 MD0 active disks 2, designed disks 2 Dec 7 23:39:52 scemd: modules/raid_sys_volume_check.c:150 MD1 active disks 2, designed disks 2 Dec 7 23:39:52 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1802 Force hibernation enable, idle minutes 20 Dec 7 23:39:52 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1817 SATA Deep sleep timer 1 Dec 7 23:39:52 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1826 Eunit Deep sleep timer 0 Dec 7 23:39:52 scemd: modules/cpu_frequence_adjust.c:176 cpufreq module was not loaded, CPU Frequence Scalling was disabled. Dec 7 23:39:52 scemd: modules/scemd_connector.c:103 scemd connector thread start. Dec 7 23:39:52 scemd: scemd.c:154 fan_type=6, raid_type=1, led_type=1, thermal_type=1, diskled_ctrl_type=1, auto_poweron_type=1, dual_power_type=1, usbcopy_type=1, fan_number=1, eunit_pwron_type=1, pis_type=1, rtc_type=3, lcm_type=2, wifi_wps_type=0 Dec 7 23:39:52 scemd: scemd.c:353 WIFI/WPS button is not support on this model. Dec 7 23:39:52 kernel: [ 62.911896] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: Etron chip found. Dec 7 23:39:52 kernel: [ 62.922736] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: Failed to enable MSI-X Dec 7 23:39:53 synoprint: printer_enable_ext.c:488 delete printer failed: no bus id Dec 7 23:39:53 syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD10EFRX-68JCSN0], Firmware:[01.01A01], S/N:[WD-WMC1U5310048] in [/dev/sdb] is not ssd Dec 7 23:39:53 syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD10EFRX-68JCSN0], Firmware:[01.01A01], S/N:[WD-WMC1U5310411] in [/dev/sda] is not ssd Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.342379] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Asking for cache data failed Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.348424] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.357087] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Asking for cache data failed Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.363051] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.500933] GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk. Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.508358] GPT:225279 != 250879 Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.511871] GPT:Alternate GPT header not at the end of the disk. Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.517893] GPT:225279 != 250879 Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.522519] GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors. Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.535911] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Asking for cache data failed Dec 7 23:39:54 kernel: [ 64.541889] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through Dec 7 23:39:55 synocheckshare: Fix shares in smb.conf. Dec 7 23:39:59 synousbdisk: RCClean succeeded Dec 7 23:39:59 synosata: synosata.c:152 no external sata devices granted Dec 7 23:40:01 ddnsd: main(ddnsd.c:3006): not enable DDNS, shutdown daemon Dec 7 23:40:01 heartbeatd: heartbeatd.c:164 DDNS does not enable, skip starting Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1a.7 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , ) Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1a.7 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1d.7 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , ) Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1d.7 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:04:00.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/003/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb3 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb3 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb3, /proc/bus/usb/003/001, add, , ) Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:04:00.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/003/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:3-0:1.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/004/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0000:04:00.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/004/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb4 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb4 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb4, /proc/bus/usb/004/001, add, , ) Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/004/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0000:04:00.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/004/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:4-0:1.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/005/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1a.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/005/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb5 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb5 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb5, /proc/bus/usb/005/001, add, , ) Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/005/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1a.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/005/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:5-0:1.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/006/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/006/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb6 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb6 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb6, /proc/bus/usb/006/001, add, , ) Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/006/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/006/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:6-0:1.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/007/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.1 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/007/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb7 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb7 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb7, /proc/bus/usb/007/001, add, , ) Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/007/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.1 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/007/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:7-0:1.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/008/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.2 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/008/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb8 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb8 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb8, /proc/bus/usb/008/001, add, , ) Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/008/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.2 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/008/001 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:8-0:1.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/002 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-1 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: external_disk_port_check.c:280 device path should not be NULL Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/002 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-1:1.0 Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 7 23:40:01 hotplugd: INTERFACE:8/6/80 Dec 7 23:40:02 synorelayd[6861]: request_alias.cpp:119 alias name is not string or empty Dec 7 23:40:02 synorelayd[6861]: synorelayd.cpp:684 failed to get request for keep alive Dec 7 23:40:14 root: Syslog Server updater start Dec 7 23:40:58 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrade database Dec 7 23:40:58 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrading user database Dec 7 23:40:58 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrading user database: successful Dec 7 23:40:59 root: Cloud Station updater: start upgrade data db Dec 7 23:40:59 root: Cloud Station updater: start upgrade server db Dec 7 23:40:59 root: Cloud Station updater: start move db Dec 7 23:40:59 root: moving old client DB for Dec 7 23:40:59 root: all volume: /volume1 Dec 7 23:40:59 root: create /volume1/@tmp/@cstn-share.10805 Dec 7 23:40:59 root: moving old client OK Dec 7 23:40:59 root: CS: []: Cloud station start... Dec 7 23:41:41 scheduler: scheduler.c:315 Failed to get value of download_schedule Dec 7 23:41:41 scheduler: scheduler.c:322 Failed to get value of download_amule_schedule Dec 7 23:41:52 scemd: scemd.c:413 stop manutild. Dec 7 23:41:52 scemd: scemd.c:413 stop manutild. Dec 7 23:54:02 PkgSynoMan.cgi: PkgSynoMan.cpp:893 Failed to mkdir pkglist.tmp, File exists Dec 8 00:03:58 PkgSynoMan.cgi: PkgSynoMan.cpp:345 Failed to curl perform, code=18, err=Transferred a partial file ...tore/webconsole/app/wc_work>
  20. bonjour, Désolé mais je ne sais pas comment faire. J'ai essaye de me connecter sur roundcube, puis j'ai ouvert à nouveau une console avec putty et j'ai la même réponse de la derniere fois. Je ne suis pas connaisseur avec les consoles, alors soit vous abandonnez ou vous m'expliquez Merci
  21. Dec 4 07:01:46 scemd: modules/fan_speed_adjust_common.c:118 Type: INTERNAL Fan Mode: LOW Dec 4 07:01:48 scemd: modules/raid_sys_volume_check.c:150 MD0 active disks 2, designed disks 2 Dec 4 07:01:48 scemd: modules/raid_sys_volume_check.c:150 MD1 active disks 2, designed disks 2 Dec 4 07:01:48 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1802 Force hibernation enable, idle minutes 20 Dec 4 07:01:48 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1817 SATA Deep sleep timer 1 Dec 4 07:01:48 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1826 Eunit Deep sleep timer 0 Dec 4 07:01:48 scemd: modules/cpu_frequence_adjust.c:176 cpufreq module was not loaded, CPU Frequence Scalling was disabled. Dec 4 07:01:48 scemd: modules/scemd_connector.c:103 scemd connector thread start. Dec 4 07:01:48 scemd: scemd.c:154 fan_type=6, raid_type=1, led_type=1, thermal_type=1, diskled_ctrl_type=1, auto_poweron_type=1, dual_power_type=1, usbcopy_type=1, fan_number=1, eunit_pwron_type=1, pis_type=1, rtc_type=3, lcm_type=2, wifi_wps_type=0 Dec 4 07:01:48 scemd: scemd.c:353 WIFI/WPS button is not support on this model. Dec 4 07:01:48 kernel: [ 63.625379] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: Etron chip found. Dec 4 07:01:48 kernel: [ 63.636411] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: Failed to enable MSI-X Dec 4 07:01:48 synoprint: printer_enable_ext.c:488 delete printer failed: no bus id Dec 4 07:01:48 syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD10EFRX-68JCSN0], Firmware:[01.01A01], S/N:[WD-WMC1U5310048] in [/dev/sdb] is not ssd Dec 4 07:01:49 syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD10EFRX-68JCSN0], Firmware:[01.01A01], S/N:[WD-WMC1U5310411] in [/dev/sda] is not ssd Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.059813] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Asking for cache data failed Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.059821] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.063558] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Asking for cache data failed Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.063564] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.194874] GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk. Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.202287] GPT:225279 != 250879 Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.205526] GPT:Alternate GPT header not at the end of the disk. Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.211556] GPT:225279 != 250879 Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.214809] GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors. Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.227470] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Asking for cache data failed Dec 4 07:01:49 kernel: [ 65.233452] sd 7:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through Dec 4 07:01:50 synocheckshare: Fix shares in smb.conf. Dec 4 07:01:54 synousbdisk: RCClean succeeded Dec 4 07:01:54 synosata: synosata.c:152 no external sata devices granted Dec 4 07:01:56 ddnsd: main(ddnsd.c:3006): not enable DDNS, shutdown daemon Dec 4 07:01:56 heartbeatd: heartbeatd.c:164 DDNS does not enable, skip starting Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1a.7 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , ) Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1a.7 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1d.7 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , ) Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:00:1d.7 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:04:00.0 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/003/001 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb3 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb3 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb3, /proc/bus/usb/003/001, add, , ) Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/003/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:0000:04:00.0 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/003/001 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:3-0:1.0 Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/004/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0000:04:00.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/004/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb4 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb4 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb4, /proc/bus/usb/004/001, add, , ) Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/004/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0000:04:00.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/004/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:4-0:1.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/005/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1a.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/005/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb5 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb5 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb5, /proc/bus/usb/005/001, add, , ) Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/005/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1a.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/005/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:5-0:1.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/006/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/006/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb6 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb6 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb6, /proc/bus/usb/006/001, add, , ) Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/006/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/006/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:6-0:1.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/007/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.1 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/007/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb7 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb7 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb7, /proc/bus/usb/007/001, add, , ) Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/007/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.1 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/007/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:7-0:1.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/008/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.2 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/008/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb8 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb8 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb8, /proc/bus/usb/008/001, add, , ) Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/008/001, usbid=1d6b:0001:0000:00:1d.2 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/008/001 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:8-0:1.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/002 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-1 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: external_disk_port_check.c:280 device path should not be NULL Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/002 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-1:1.0 Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb Dec 4 07:01:57 hotplugd: INTERFACE:8/6/80 Dec 4 07:01:57 synorelayd[6862]: request_alias.cpp:119 alias name is not string or empty Dec 4 07:01:57 synorelayd[6862]: synorelayd.cpp:684 failed to get request for keep alive Dec 4 07:02:09 root: Syslog Server updater start Dec 4 07:02:53 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrade database Dec 4 07:02:53 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrading user database Dec 4 07:02:53 root: Cloud Station updater: Upgrading user database: successful Dec 4 07:02:53 root: Cloud Station updater: start upgrade data db Dec 4 07:02:53 root: Cloud Station updater: start upgrade server db Dec 4 07:02:53 root: Cloud Station updater: start move db Dec 4 07:02:53 root: moving old client DB for Dec 4 07:02:53 root: all volume: /volume1 Dec 4 07:02:53 root: create /volume1/@tmp/@cstn-share.10814 Dec 4 07:02:53 root: moving old client OK Dec 4 07:02:54 root: CS: []: Cloud station start... Dec 4 07:03:36 scheduler: scheduler.c:315 Failed to get value of download_schedule Dec 4 07:03:36 scheduler: scheduler.c:322 Failed to get value of download_amule_schedule Dec 4 07:03:48 scemd: scemd.c:413 stop manutild. Dec 4 07:03:48 scemd: scemd.c:413 stop manutild. Dec 4 09:10:30 scemd: scemd.c:225 stop manutild. Bonjour Voici la réponse de la commande. J'espere avoir réussit à tout copier. Merci
  22. bonjour, Je veux bien faire ce que vous me demander mais comme dit catimini je suis novice et je ne sais pas le faire. Alors où dois je taper cette commande. Merci
  23. bonjour, oui j'ai fait attention j'ai meme fait un reset du syno pour annuler les mots de passe et toujours impossible de se connecter sur roundcube. Je pense que j'ai fait un mauvais reglage dans le syno, certainnement dans le serveur messagerie. Si quelqu'un avait un tuto ce serait bien. Merci pour ta réponse
  24. bonjour, a ma part donner des leçons de morale il y a t'il quelqu'un pour m'aiguiller. merci
  25. Bonjour, Je ne m'énerve pas. Mon clavier m indique pas quand je suis en majuscule et dès fois il est trop tard quand je m'en aperçois. oui j'ai activé le service d'accueil utilisateur. Je suis sur dsm4.1. Avant sur mon ancien syno j'avais dsm3.1 et je n'ai pas eu de souci avec roundcube. Sur celui-là je ne comprend pas seul roundcube n'accepte pas mon mot de passe. Sur photostation pas de soucis. Peut etre cela vient du serveur de messagerie que j'aurais mal parametre. Tout en sachant que je suis sur free et que j'utilise le reverse dnd de free. Merci si quelqu'un peut m'aider
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