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  1. Pas eu besoins de désinstaller de mon coté.
  2. Bonjour, pas besoins de désinstaller, tu stop le service et une fois DSM 6 en place tu le relance.
  3. Exormiste

    DSM 6.0-7321 DISPO

    Pour le moment, je croise les doigts tout va bien sur mon DS415Play
  4. Version: 6.0-7321 (2016/03/24) Compatibility and Installation Some features have specific hardware requirements and are only available on certain Synology NAS products. For security purposes, admin accounts with blank passwords will be disabled after the upgrade, and password change will be required. Some third­-party packages may not be compatible with DSM 6.0; hence disabling the packages before upgrading to DSM 6.0 is necessary. The current Alias settings in Application Portal will be disabled and require manual configuration after updating to DSM 6.0. The DDNS of is in DSM 6.0 official release due to unclarified domain usage violation. Please refer to for details. Due to the discontinued support by the open source team, the Asterisk package will no longer be supported after DSM 6.0. If phpMyAdmin was upgraded during DSM 6.0 Beta 2, you need to uninstall it first so that its latest update will be available at Package Center. The following packages will not be supported by NVR216 after upgrading to DSM 6.0 (DSM 6.0 for NVR216 will be available at the end of March, 2016): PHP Text Editor Web Station WebDAV What’s New in DSM 6.0 Btrfs File System Set usage/user quota for shared folders. Enable file compression to increase the flexibility of volume usage. Perform defragmentation to increase system performance. Data checksum is enabled by default and data scrubbing can be run to verify data integrity. When file versioning is enabled in Cloud Station, it will not occupy additional storage on Btrfs file system. On other file systems, file versioning will occupy additional space equal to the size of each shared folder. Files will be backed up once the backup task is started, even if the files are changed or deleted afterwards. Converting existing ext4 file system to Btrfs is not supported. To store files under Btrfs file system you must create a new folder. Available on the following models: 16­-series: RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS18016xs+, DS716+, DS216+ 15­-series: RC18015xs+, RS815RP+, RS815+, DS3615xs, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+ 14­-series: RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs 13­-series: RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+ 12­-series: DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs 11­-series: DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs Service Modularization Some of the DSM built­-in features have been modularized into packages to ensure better system maintenance and update flexibility. Modularization in DSM 6.0 includes Storage Analyzer, Backup & Restore, PHP, Web Station and Text Editor, Log Center (with basic built­-in functions in DSM and extensive functions via package download), WebDAV and Snapshot Replication. 64­-Bit Architecture DSM 6.0 has been optimized for all models based on Intel 64­-bit processors to improve general performance. Supports over 4GB memory allocation for one single process to deploy large scale application. High Availability Manager When a split­-brain error occurs in an HA cluster, you can designate one server as the active server and overwrite the data on the other server. No full data replication is required. When a split­-brain error occurs, you can view the recent system information, iSCSI Target connection history and file difference in each shared folder. Reduced the time to upgrade a cluster by 50%. Reduced the time to bind and unbind a cluster by 20%. Reduced the occurrence of split­-brain errors. Supports Docker DSM. High Availability Manager for RC18015xs+ Supports Virtual DSM. Supports Docker DSM. Backup & Replication Backup & Replication features are now available in add-­on packages Hyper Backup (backup client) and Hyper Backup Vault (backup server). The existing Backup & Replication task settings will be migrated to the new package automatically upon upgrading to DSM 6.0. Some settings are relocated to Control Panel: rsync: Control Panel > File Services > rsync Shared Folder Sync: Control Panel > Shared Folder Sync For features of Hyper Backup and Hyper Backup Vault, please refer to the What’s New in the Packages section. Security CSP support can effectively prevent XSS attacks. TLS/SSL profiles can be adjusted according to your browser compatibility and security requirements. Root account is replaced by administrators group credentials to log into SSH to enhance security. Certificate The integration of Let’s Encrypt helps provide your Synology NAS with secure connection easily and effortlessly. Multiple certificates are now supported to increase the flexibility for hosting several different hostnames. File Station Supports mounting NFS shared folders on folders on Synology NAS. Aviary photo editor is introduced to replace the existing service for a more intuitive interface. Multiple files can be downloaded without being compressed into one giant file on Chrome browser (on Windows computers only). Content Search Search in File Station now allows you to match the document content or even the metadata of multimedia files for a more effective search result. You can now use Mac Finder to quickly search the content of indexed files within mounted folders on your Synology NAS. File sharing Collect files via the intuitive File Request feature. Customize the background picture and logo that you see when sharing files. File sharing and file request have been redesigned for mobile interface to ensure a consistent user experience. 2-­Step Verification You can now add and manage your most frequently used devices as trusted devices without entering verification code every time you log in. QuickConnect Relay service can now be disabled to meet enterprise policies. 802.1X Added support of 802.1X authentication for wired networks. Firewall Organize your firewall rules into different profiles. DHCP Server Supports standard DHCP options. Supports vendor specific options. Supports downloading PXE boot loader files from remote TFTP servers. SSD Cache Create an SSD cache consisting of up to 12 SSD devices. When SSD cache is enabled on a volume with advanced iSCSI LUNs, the performance can be improved up to 30%. You can now use different SSD models to create an SSD cache. Storage Manager Configure the description for volumes and Disk Groups. For RAID Groups, the number of disks for each RAID Array can be 6, 12 or 24. Customized Domain Name for DSM Customized domain name can now be used for accessing DSM more easily. Application Portal DSM can now serve as a reverse proxy server. Customized domain name can now be used for directly accessing Synology applications. Dynamic DNS Support Added new DDNS provider TWNIC to support domain names with Traditional Chinese characters. Web Enhancement HTTP compression can be enabled to effectively compress packets to reduce the size of web transfer. HTTP/2 is now supported as an replacement of SPDY to increase the transfer speed for high latency connection. Theme Change Light and dark themes are supported for changing the system style within DSM. Keyboard Shortcut When typing in the text fields, keyboard shortcuts will be temporarily disabled to avoid unintentional entries. Resource Monitor You can view the throughput, latency, IOPS, IO Size and queue depth of each iSCSI LUN. Task Scheduler You can now view the status of last run tasks to monitor the results. Package Center Packages are divided into two main categories, Synology and Third­-party, for better recognition. What’s New in Packages Virtual DSM Manager (Beta) Run multiple Virtual DSM instances on a single server using the virtualization technology. Perform live migration of virtual machines by relocating a virtual machine from one host to another in just a few minutes without interruption while keeping its storage unchanged. 4GB RAM or more is required to run Virtual DSM. System with less than 4GB RAM can only be used as a storage resource. Virtual DSM Manager is not supported on hosts running Synology High Availability. The beta program will continue after DSM 6.0 official release. Available on the following models: 16­-series: RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS18016xs+ 15­-series: RS815RP+, RS815+, DS3615xs, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+ 14­-series: RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs 13­-series: RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+ 12­-series: DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs 11­-series: DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs Docker DSM (Beta) Run multiple Docker DSM instances on a single server using the container technology. A Btrfs volume is required to store Docker DSM data. System data can be backed up and replicated. Available on the following models: 16­-series: RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS18016xs+, DS716+, DS216+ 15­-series: RS815RP+, RS815+, DS3615xs, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+ 14­-series: RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs 13­-series: RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+ 12­-series: DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs 11­-series: DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs Snapshot Replication Snapshot Replication is now a stand-­alone package. It is previously named as Snapshot & Replicationin DSM 6.0 Beta and Data Protection Managerin DSM 5.2. Shared Folder Snapshot Take a snapshot of shared folders up to every 5 minutes. View snapshot data in all file services or File Station, or by clicking the Previous Versions tab in the Properties dialogue box in File Explorer on Windows PC. Increase the maximum snapshot versions of a shared folder to 1024 for all currently available models (except for DS216+ on which the number is limited to 256). Limit the maximum snapshot versions of all the shared folders to 65536 for all currently available models (except for DS216+ on which the number is limited to 4096). Supports shared folders located on Btrfs volumes. Shared Folder & LUN Replication Replicate your data in shared folders and iSCSI LUNs from one server to another by taking and sending a snapshot to the remote server. Extend a replication by replicating data from a destination server to another secondary destination server to make multiple copies of your data. Replicate one shared folder or iSCSI LUN to up to 3 destination servers from the same source server. Limit the maximum number of replication tasks to 64. Statistics of transferred size and sync duration are recorded and displayed as a report. Allows administrator users to export the replicated data to external devices, and then deliver and import it to the recovery site, reducing bandwidth usage in your production environment. Provides an overview topology to show how your replicas are stored. Supports port forwarding by customizing address and port of a replication task. Now you can encrypt replication transmission. iSCSI LUN replication can be managed via Synology Snapshot Replication or VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager. (Installing Synology SRA on VMware Site Recovery Manager servers is required.) Only Advanced iSCSI LUNs and shared folders on Btrfs volumes are supported. Recovery You can perform a failover on shared folders or iSCSI LUNs by making the replicas on the destination server writable when the source server is not healthy. You can perform a test failover to make a clone and run all necessary tests in the event of disaster. You can perform a force failover when the source server is healthy. After performing a failover, you can perform a re-­protect action to sync data on two servers again. When performing a re­-protect action, you can choose either of the servers to sync data from and choose the new source server for the replication task. Available on the following models: 16­-series: RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS18016xs+, DS716+, DS216+ 15­-series: RC18015xs+, RS815RP+, RS815+, DS3615xs, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS415+ 14­-series: RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs 13­-series: RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+ 12­-series: DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs 11­-series: DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs MailPlus Server (Beta) Please note that the Beta program will continue after DSM 6.0 official release. Starting from MailPlus Server 1.0 official release, MailPlus Server will include 5 free mail accounts by default, and licenses will be required for additional mail accounts. During the Beta program, no licenses will be required for any email accounts. MailPlus Server provides enterprise­-grade mail server features and advanced active-­active architecture, allowing administrator to set up a high-­availability mail system with single server fault-­tolerance and load-­balancing abilities. Active-­active mechanism ensures two-­way syncing of data between both servers to maximize the uptime for the mail system. Load balancer smartly distributes incoming messages to ensure that the loadings on the two nodes are evenly balanced. The specially designed algorithm allows you to search email content with a given keyword for an even more accurate result. The spam-­filter has a much enhanced anti­-spam ability, especially for Chinese spams, by using implemented algorithm to analyze the meaning of the statement. Customize spam filters by keywords for precise spam blocking. The migration from the existing Mail Server to MailPlus Server is made seamless to let you continue using the previously hosted mail service. Supports application backup in the Hyper Backup package. Enhanced anti­-malware and anti-­virus protection by integrating Google Safe Browsing and third­-party database. Message Content Protection (MCP) allows you to filter or block the mails that match MCP rules. Penpal auto whitelisting mechanism ensures that the mails from the contacted senders will not be marked as spam. You can forward mail logs to both the server not being used as load balancer in the mail cluster for log backup and the syslog server for centralized log management. You can now disable full-­text search for selected accounts to utilize the server resources. Usage analysis provides an efficient way to calculate email quantity of the selected users, allowing the administrators to easily monitor the mail traffic by accounts. MailPlus Server will be available on the following models: 16­-series: RS18016xs+, RS2416+, RS2416RP+, DS716+, DS216+ 15­-series: RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, RS815+, RS815RP+, DS415+ 14­-series: RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs, RS2414+, RS2414RP+, RS814+, RS814RP+ 13­-series: DS2413+, RS10613xs+, RS3413xs+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+ 12­-series: DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS2212+, RS2212RP+, DS1812+, DS1512+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS412+, DS712+ 11­-series: DS3611xs, DS2411+, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, DS1511+, DS411+II, DS411+ MailPlus (Beta) Please note that the Beta program will continue after DSM 6.0 official release. MailPlus is a powerful webmail service that provides rich features. The beautifully designed user interface and functionality help you work intuitively on your everyday email with efficiency. Organize your email with the physical mailboxes or assign multiple attributes onto the email by applying labels for an intuitive and convenient email management. Send and receive mail to and from other mail servers with the customizable SMTP service and POP3 fetch function. Find and manage your email efficiently with the smart search function. Filters automatically moves your incoming or outgoing email to the appointed mailbox or applies labels. Customize wallpaper and theme settings. Enrich your email content with the built­-in stickers. With Synology Web Clipper, you can easily save the conversation in MailPlus to Note Station for management. Supports attaching files from DSM. Supports undo operation for Delete/Move/Archive/Set read & unread/Apply & remove label actions. Customize auto-­reply messages for different senders. Supports browsing history. You can now auto-­empty Spam/Trash mailboxes on logout. Clip long email messages to shorten loading time. List email addresses according to contact frequency when specifying the sender/recipient. Group contacts will be displayed when specifying the sender/recipient in the mail composer. Task progress will be displayed after setting up the filters. Supports keyboard shortcuts to view and manage messages more efficiently. Overall performance enhancement including improved email loading and deleting performance. MailPlus will be available on the following models: 16­-series: RS18016xs+, RS2416+, RS2416RP+, DS716+, DS216+ 15­-series: RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, RS815+, RS815RP+, DS415+ 14­-series: RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs, RS2414+, RS2414RP+, RS814+, RS814RP+ 13­-series: DS2413+, RS10613xs+, RS3413xs+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+ 12­-series: DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS2212+, RS2212RP+, DS1812+, DS1512+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS412+, DS712+ 11­-series: DS3611xs, DS2411+, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, DS1511+, DS411+II, DS411+ SpreadSheet Allows you to host your collaboration drive and work easily with others by sharing spreadsheets. Customize access permissions for guests, DSM users and groups, and set read/write privileges for specific spreadsheets. Multiple users can edit the same spreadsheet simultaneously and see the modifications in real time. View the revision history and restore the spreadsheet to a previous version. Manage your spreadsheets with multiple attributes by adding tags to individual spreadsheets and quickly find them later. Supports import and export of other spreadsheet formats. Supports data validation, conditional formatting, filter and spelling check. Spreadsheet encryption is supported to protect confidential spreadsheets. Supports application backup in the Hyper Backup package. Range selection is supported in SpreadSheet functions. Supports selecting multiple rows/columns/cells by pressing and holding the "Ctrl" key. Over 300 formulas are supported. SpreadSheet Function List is provided with instructions on frequently used functions and usage examples. Allows you to insert images to spreadsheets. You can now print your spreadsheets. SpreadSheet will not be available on the following models due to the restriction of Node.js version: 13­-series: DS213, DS213air, DS413j, DS213+, DS413 12­-series: DS112, DS112+, DS112j, DS212, DS212+, DS212j, RS212, RS812 11­-series: DS111, DS211, DS211+, DS211j, DS411, DS411j, DS411slim, RS411 Surveillance Station 7.2 Surveillance Station has been optimized for models based on Intel 64­-bit processors to improve general performance. Added support for I/O modules from Advantech ADAM­-6050, ADAM-­6052, ADAM-­6250, ADAM-­6266 and AXIS P8221. Added support for running Surveillance Station on both Virtual DSM and Docker DSM. (Please note that Surveillance Station running on Virtual DSM or Docker DSM does not include any default surveillance device licenses.) Added support for 2­-step verification using one-­time password (OTP) for DSM 6.0 to provide extra security. PetaSpace PetaSpace is an application that combines the capacity of multiple volumes into a larger volume group. With PetaSpace, data of a single shared folder can now be located across multiple volumes, thus allowing you to store, manage, and access the growing amount of data more efficiently and flexibly. Available on the following models: 16­-series: RS18016xs+ 15­-series: RC18015xs+, DS3615xs 14­-series: RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs 13­-series: RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+ 12­-series: DS3612xs, RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs 11­-series: DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs Cloud Station Server Added support for setting user and group speed limit. Integrated with DSM application privilege settings. Offers Intelliversioning version rotation algorithm. Run Cloud Station Server without enabling home service. Enforce 2­-step verification to strengthen identity security. Supports renaming shared folders when Cloud Station Server is running. Supports symbolic links. Supports files containing "/" characters on Mac. Now allows you to select multiple files/folders for restoration in Version History. Raised concurrent file transfer number to 10,000 on selected models (RS18016xs+, RC18015xs+, RS3614xs+, RS10613xs+, RS3614xs, and DS3615xs; memory expansion to 32GB required). Optimized small file processing performance. Optimized 1st-­time synchronization performance. Optimized as a backup target. Cloud Station ShareSync Configure upload­-only or download-­only tasks. Customize conflict policies by each ShareSync device. Enhanced host search algorithm used in QuickConnect connections. Supports encrypted shared folders. Now allows "surveillance" and "photo" shared folders to be synchronized with a shared folder under a different name. Now advanced consistency check can be disabled. Optimized memory usage. Cloud Station Drive Synchronize any folders on your Synology NAS. Configure download­-only tasks. Customize conflict policies by each PC. Integrated with DSM 2­-step verification. Integrated with Windows VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service). Enhanced host search algorithm used in QuickConnect connections. Enhanced user experience and graphic interface. Now advanced consistency check can be disabled. Added minimalist system tray icons to better suit the OS themes of modern computers. Enhanced the installation GUI on Mac. Optimized memory usage. Cloud Station Backup Back up the data on your personal computers running Windows, OS X, Ubuntu and Fedora operating systems. Retains up to 32 versions of every backed up file and supports file filtering. (Please refer to the software specifications for supported OS versions.) Cloud Sync Synchronize a specified folder on the public cloud with a folder on Synology NAS. Configure multiple sync tasks in a single connection. Sync a folder to multiple public cloud destinations. Choose never to remove the data on the destination. Supports read-­only shared folders. Supports encrypted shared folders. You can now customize the number of files to be concurrently uploaded/downloaded. You can now convert Google Docs to Microsoft Office or jpeg formats in download­-only tasks to keep an offline backup copy. Last modified time of synced files will be updated to Dropbox. Now advanced consistency check can be disabled. Supports creating a new remote folder during task creation. Supports application privilege settings by group and IP. Added support for: Microsoft OneDrive for Business and Office 365 Microsoft OneDrive’s new API HiDrive Amazon S3 Standard -­ Infrequent Access storage class Amazon S3 Seoul region Reorganizes the order of public cloud services by device location. Supports OpenStack keystone v3. Now offers Windows and Linux decryption tools for data recovery. Optimized memory usage. Raised the minimum polling period to 10 seconds. Directory Server The Provider­-Consumer architecture in Directory Server allows the account data to be continuously replicated from a "Provider" Synology NAS to one or more "Consumer" servers. This ensures that the connection between the clients and the server will not be affected even when the Provider server is unavailable. Password strength policy can now be applied to user accounts for better security. You can enforce regular and periodical password update to enhance security. In addition, password expiration reminders will automatically notify users to update their passwords via email or upon login. Video Station Brand new visual design in contrasting black and red accentuates your video collections. Offline transcoding can make you transcode and download video collections in advance. You can enjoy them even without available internet connection. Use the new home page to browse all recently added videos in each library and the top banner in homepage will recommend you the best films. On­screen buttons allow smoother and more intuitive operation. Stream videos from Video Station to Chromecast with the Google Cast extension (available on Chrome Web Store). Provided an option to disable metadata auto download for specific folder. Provided more detailed information, such as FPS, sample frequency, and multiple audio tracks. Added functions to edit video ratings and change the backdrop. Customize library visibility according to your own preferences. Subtitle size now can be adjusted to fit your preference. Hyper Backup Back up folders, packages, and DSM configurations to a multi­-version repository and save backed up data in image formats to maximize storage efficiency while retaining up to 65,535 versions for retrieval. Supports flexible version control: Regular or Smart Recycle rotation is supported. Version lock prevents a specific version from automatic rotation. Supports a variety of destinations: Local shared folders and external storage devices. Shared folders and external storage devices on a remote server. Public cloud destinations including Amazon S3, S3­-compatible storage, Microsoft Azure (Global and China), HiDrive, hubiC, IBM SoftLayer, RackSpace, and other OpenStack Swift compatible servers. Supports granular recovery: Use web-­based Backup Explorer to browse through backup versions and files. Allows single file restoration. Supports portable backup repositories: Export the initial backup version to an external storage device and deliver the external storage device to the destination for data uploading. Reuse a backup repository by relinking. Full­-fledged security features: Enable client-­side encryption to ensure data confidentiality at the backup destination. Supports transmission encryption. Supports backing up encrypted shared folders. Supports Amazon S3 Standard -­ Infrequent Access storage class. Supports backing up symbolic links. Supports port forwarding from a customized port of a backup task to a Synology NAS or a rsync server. Now you can compress your files before transmitting them to the backup target, saving the network bandwidth and storage consumption. Now allows multiple restore/download/copy tasks to run concurrently in Hyper Backup Explorer. With Hyper Backup installed, you can launch the Hyper Backup Explorer by clicking the backup target in File Station. Upgrade and migration: The Backup & Restore package will be automatically migrated to Hyper Backup upon upgrading from DSM 6.0 Beta 1. The Backup & Replication package will be automatically migrated to Hyper Backup upon upgrading from DSM 5.2. Hyper Backup Vault Hyper Backup Vault is a new package and will be automatically installed upon upgrading to DSM 6.0. You can enable backup services to allow another Synology NAS to back up to your Synology NAS via Hyper Backup. Provides an overview of the Hyper Backup targets backed up by other Synology NAS servers. Provides the information of each backup target, such as path, space usage, last backup time, backup duration and backup logs. With Hyper Backup Vault installed, you can launch the Hyper Backup Explorer by clicking the backup target in File Station. Hyper Backup Explorer(for Windows and Linux) Now you can use Hyper Backup Explorer to browse backup data right from your Windows and Linux computers. Note Station Offline Note Station is now available in Chrome Web Store. You can create and edit notes or to-­do lists without Internet connection, and all updates will be synchronized to Note Station in DSM when the Internet is connected. Use Synology Web Clipper to save selected content of MailPlus or Gmail to Note Station. Convert tables into charts, including line charts, bar charts, and pie charts. Choose a template for your presentation. Click to expand images to their original size in presentation mode. Apply heading formats to texts to switch slides in presentation mode. Create Smart Notebooks according to different criteria. Existing and future notes that match the criteria will be automatically added to the Smart Notebook. Insert the internal link of another note and open it directly via the hyperlink. The search feature in Note Station now includes results based on the content of attached files of various formats, including PDF, Office, Open Office, and iWork file. The attachments in PDF, word, excel, and powerpoint formats can be previewed in Note Station directly with the Document Viewer package. You can add stars, remarks and subtasks to to-­do tasks. You can share notes or notebooks with a group. Supports exporting/importing to­-do tasks for backup. Allows you to output to-­do tasks to a new note and customize its display options. PDF Viewer/Document Viewer View various popular document formats on DSM, including Microsoft Office and Open Office files (Document Viewer only). Brand-­new designed user interface with comprehensive tools including rotation, zoom­-in/out, search, and much more. Securely share your confidential documents by disabling the download, select & copy, and print functions. Outline mode helps you quickly find the desired section in the document. Drag mode can be extremely useful when viewing large pictures in the document. Attachments can be collected for quick browsing. Document Viewer is available on the following models: 16­-series: RS18016xs+, RS2416+, RS2416RP+ 15­-series: RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, RS815+, RS815RP+, DS415+ 14­-series: RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs, RS2414+, RS2414RP+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS10613xs+, RS3413xs+ 13­-series: RS10613xs+, RS3413xs+, DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+ 12­-series: DS3612xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3412xs, RS2212RP+, RS2212+, DS1812+, DS1512+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS712+, DS412+ 11­-series: DS3611xs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS2411+, RS2211RP+, RS2211+, DS1511+, DS411+II, DS411+ Intrusion Prevention (Beta) Intrusion Prevention guards your Synology NAS from network threats. With its rule database, malicious packets can be identified to prevent malicious parties from infecting and compromising your Synology NAS. Antivirus -­ McAfee Upgraded ClamAV and McAfee scanning engine. Fixed an issue where operations might fail when deleting or restoring a large amount of files from the quarantine. Fixed an issue where DSM system files might be deleted due to false alarm. Antivirus -­ Essential Upgraded ClamAV and McAfee scanning engine. Fixed an issue where operations might fail when deleting or restoring a large amount of files from the quarantine. Fixed an issue where DSM system files might be deleted due to false alarm. VPN Server Enhanced transmission performance of PPTP/L2TP. Minor bug fixes. Web Station Each Virtual Host can be set with an individual setting including PHP version, server backend, document root and secure connections. More PHP extensions are supported to increase the flexibility of your own web site. Media Server Supports hardware transcoding on DS216play, DS716+, and DS216+. Fixed an issue where video may not be sought when streaming videos from DS216play and DS716+. Minor bug fixes. Logitech Media Server Updated the stable version to 7.7.6. Audio Station Provides year information in album list. Provides folder path of playlist for better recognition. Enhanced browsing performance. Added support for multi­-genre, allowing you to classify music more flexibly. Added an artist category in genre. Photo Station Added support for watermark to help protect the copyright of your photos. The plugin in WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal allows you to access Photo Station directly and add photos or albums to these three platforms. Windows AD and LDAP users can use Personal Photo Station now. Supports html script for embedding Photo Station to other websites. Security enhancement with XSS attack prevention. Extend file size limitation of uploading and playing videos from 2GB to 32GB for 64 bits models. Added a feature to prevent photos from being embedded via HTML iframe. Supports migration flow to export Photo Station blog and import to WordPress. Adjusted re­-order flow and new method to create a new album on photo wall. Shows photo shooting time and geolocation information on lightbox as well as slideshow mode. Docker Upgraded to Docker 1.9. Supports Docker Compose. Download Station Download files from more file hosting sites. Added support for more premium accounts. Added support for downloading tasks that require CAPTCHA passwords. Personal notification is supported so every user can set their personal email to receive notifications. File hosting plugin can be updated automatically. Degraded NZB files can be repaired with .par2 files. Storage Analyzer Supports the application backup in the Hyper Backup package. CardDAV You can now edit contact information in DSM. You can quickly build your contact list by importing data. Supports exporting contact information to be used in other software. Java 7/8 Java derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-­level facilities than either. Java Manager is replaced by the new Java package for a more convenient installation procedure. You may enjoy the built­-in Java or manually install Java from Oracle for enhanced compatibility. Known Issues & Limitations For locally modified files in a read­-only sync folder, the status will always be "syncing" in DS cloud. Re-­enabling indexing services previously set will be required when you upgrading DSM 6.0. Upgrade to DSM 6.0 will trigger media indexing for Audio Station browsing enhancement. Because of structure change, some notifications that occurred before the upgrade could abnormally displayed. All notifications generated after upgrading to DSM 6.0 will be shown normally. MailPlus and MailPlus Server: Initial retrieval of mail using the POP3 fetch function may take longer than usual. MailPlus Server is required to be configured before running MailPlus. MailPlus is required to be installed on both Synology NAS devices to ensure stability when switching load balancing services from one server to the other for MailPlus Server. Both Synology NAS devices must have identical MailPlus application portal and privilege settings to ensure stability when switching load balancing services from one server to the other for MailPlus Server. To upgrade the MailPlus Server in active­-active mode from Beta 1/Beta 2 version to the official version, it is required to remove the cluster mechanism first and upgrade two nodes separately. After the upgrade, set up the active-­active cluster with two nodes again and the data will be synced automatically. Such initiative will not be required after DSM 6.0. The function to customize library visibility will not be applied to DS video in the following mobile platforms: iOS, Windows Phone, Roku TV, and Samsung TV. After converting the permission type to ACL, the settings in Photo Station and File Station may still be inconsistent. For better user experience, the shared folder "photo" will be converted automatically back to Linux mode if you have done the ACL conversion in DSM 6.0 RC.
  5. Exormiste

    5.2-5644 Update 5

    MàJ dure 30 sec, pas de redémarrage.
  6. Exormiste

    5.2-5644 Update 5

    Version: 5.2-5644 Update 5 (2016/02/19) Fixed Issues Updated Firewall filter policy to fix a security vulnerability caused by stack-based buffer overflow (CVE-2015-7547). This fix may impact read/write performance on the following models by no more than 15%, for which Synology is working on an enhancement in the future release. 16-series: DS216se 15-series: DS115j 14-series: EDS14, DS114, DS214se, RS214, DS414slim 13-series: DS213j, DS213air, DS213, DS413j 12-series: DS112, DS112+, DS112j, DS212, DS212j, DS212+, RS212, RS812 11-series: DS111, DS211, DS211+, DS211j, DS411, DS411slim, DS411j, RS411 10-series: DS110j, DS210j, DS410j
  7. Exormiste

    5.2-5644 Update 1

    Version: 5.2-5644 Update 1 (2015/11/17) Fixed Issues To enhance the security level, administrator accounts with blank passwords will no longer be allowed and will be disabled after this update. Improved general stability when numerous application privilege rules are applied to individual users/groups.
  8. Je confirme que le décodage "hard" ne fonctionne pas chez moi, entre 70% et 97% d'occupation cpu sur un simple avi de 800mo :-/
  9. Bonjour à tous, Je rencontre également des bugs sous el capitan + DSM, si j'essaye depuis le finder de faire glisser un fichier de mon disque mac vers le nas cela ne fonctionne pas. Par contre si je fais clic droit copier et je vais sur le dossier du nas+coller cela fonctionne. Si j'ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre finder par dessus la première le glissé de fichier fonctionne. Autre trouvaille ;-) si je passe dans le finder par le dossier "iMac de xxxxx" ou mon nas et mon disque sont visible, le glisser/déposer fonctionne. Bref rien de méchant mais c'est agacent :-/
  10. Exormiste

    DSM 5.2-5644

    MàJ sur DS415Play sans soucis, iTunes server mis à jour également.
  11. Ok merci, il me semble que le décodage "hard" n'est pas actif chez moi :-(
  12. Exormiste

    DSM 5.2-5644

    Version: 5.2-5644 (2015/10/29) What's New This update includes all bug fixes as well as security fixes in the previously released critical updates since DSM 5.2-5592. Fixed Issues Improved stability of FTP connections. Improved stability when copying large files on DS216play. Improved general stability of NTP service. Supports Data Scrubbing for iSCSI LUN (Block-Level) in Storage Manager. Improved the stability of encrypted backup in models with ARM processors. Improved general stability of Btrfs file system. Increased the connection limit for Log Receiving in Log Center. Upgraded PHP to 5.5.30 to address multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-5589, CVE-2015-5590, CVE-2015-6834, CVE-2015-6835, CVE-2015-6836, CVE-2015-6837, CVE-2015-6838, and CVE-2015-3152). Fixed an issue where a DSM critical patch could not be manually uploaded when the system was in a Hybrid HA cluster. Minor bug fixes.
  13. Salut, tu peux développer ? j'avais le plex pass et j'ai arrêté mon abonnement devant le manque de communication de plex à propos du ds415play, merci.
  14. Exormiste

    Plex / Apple Tv

    Avec l'apple TV 4 cela va être possible Voir ici, sinon pour les modèles precedents voir du cote de PlexConnect
  15. Exormiste

    DSM 5.2-5592 Update 4

    RAS sur DS415play
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