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BIen sécurisé son Nas - Raid1 ou sauvegarde toutes les semaines ?
Momozeel a répondu à un(e) sujet de jnce84 dans Installation, Démarrage et Configuration
Salut jnce84, Pour répondre à la première partie de tes questionnements, j'ai fait comme toi l'acquisition d'un DS215j il y a un peu plus d'un mois et j'ai opté pour la solution : Les 2 HDD en basic (SHR sans protection) avec réplique automatique tous les 3jours du premier volume sur le second. Je suis très satisfait de cette solution. La partie logiciel de sauvegarde est super complète, tu peux notamment définir le nombre de versions à conserver, la fréquence des sauvegarde, spécifier les dossiers à sauvegarder etc. Et puis pour restaurer c'est simple comme bonjour. On a vraiment une vraie "sauvegarde" des données importantes. Je n'ai pas opté pour la raid 1 car je n'ai pas besoin de continuité de service (je n'héberge pas de server ou ce genre de truc). De plus quand tu optes pour le raid 1 il est recommandé d'investir sur un ondulateur, car les coupures peuvent faire très mal à tes disques en raid 1 (désynchronisation). C'est beaucoup moins nécessaire en mode sauvegarde automatisée. Maintenant attention pour adopter cette config ce n'est pas super clair. Tu dois opter pour "SHR sans protection" pour les deux disques. Cela équivaut au mode basic. Voilà, en espérant que cela te guidera un peu. -
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Momozeel a répondu à un(e) sujet de Momozeel dans Installation, Démarrage et Configuration
Il n'y a pas un Log qui permettrait de voir les appli/process qui se lancent à un instant T ? Car pour ma part je vois très clairement avec l'hibernation debug tool sur le /var/log/messages l'heure exact de réveil du NAS. En rapprochant les deux on devrait pouvoir trouver le process qui réveil le NAS non ? -
NAS Bruyant - Souffle ventilos
Momozeel a répondu à un(e) sujet de Momozeel dans Installation, Démarrage et Configuration
J'ai l'impression que le changement des modes ne fait absolument aucune différence. Y-a't'il moyen de le vérifier l'impact dans des logs ? De plus j'entends depuis ce matin un "cliquetis" régulier toutes les 3-4 secondes sûrement provoqué par le ventilo. Quelqu'un a t'il déjà rencontré ce problème sur un modèle similaire au DS215j ? Merci pour vos retours, -
Migration vers même modèle
Momozeel a répondu à un(e) sujet de Momozeel dans Installation, Démarrage et Configuration
Oui mais je n'ai pas d'autres disque Sata à disposition. Si je m'assure que les 2 DSM sont les mêmes (en rebootant mon modèle qui sera le même), cela devrait convenir non ? Quel risque si j'installe simplement les 2 HDD sur le nouveau 215j directement ? -
Bonjour à tous, Pas vraiment satisfait de mon 215j dont le ventilo fait bcp de bruit et commence maintenant à faire un clic régulier et gênant je m'apprêter à le faire remplacer par Amazon. Pourriez-vous me dire si je peux simplement remettre les disques dans le nouveau NAS pour l'installation sans que les disques soient formatés ? J'imagine que je devrait reconfigurer certains points, mais je voulais avoir cette certitude avant de changer les disques de place. Merci davance pour votre aide , le tuto https://www.synology.com/fr-fr/knowledgebase/tutorials/484 ne m'ayant pas vraiment permis de comprendre si j'allais ou non avoir un formatage des disques.
NAS Bruyant - Souffle ventilos
Momozeel a répondu à un(e) sujet de Momozeel dans Installation, Démarrage et Configuration
Bonjour et merci de ton retour. DAns DSM j'ai activé le mode Calme (le mode basse puissance me semble risqué pour les performances générales) (voir PJ). En ce qui concerne mes HDD, je ne vois pas ce que je pourrais avoir de mieux que les WD Red qui ont passé tous les tests requis avant configuration. Pas de problème de chauffe particulier d'après le monitoring. Je me suis toutefois aperçu qu'en posant le NAS a même le seul, les vibrations étaient moindres que sur le meuble. J'entend toujours un léger souffle audible à 5 mètres. Ma question est : Est-ce le fonctionnement normal de ces modèle ou dois m'inquiéter et le faire changer ? -
NAS Bruyant - Souffle ventilos
Momozeel a posté un sujet dans Installation, Démarrage et Configuration
Bonjour à tous, Alors que je peine à faire entrer durablement mon DS 215J en hibernation, je voulais quand même venir consulter sur le bruit générer par celui-ci quand il n'est pas en hibernation. Ce souffle perpétuel que j'entends assez distinctement à 5 mètres de distance (qui fait plus de bruit que mon Imac 2009 pourtant un peu poussiéreux lorsqu'il est allumé) lorsqu'il y a silence dans la maison est-il le lot commun de tout possesseur de ce type de modèle ? Pire encore, si je positionne le NAS sur une petite étagère, il y a même une vibration constante encore plus dérangeante. Bref, suis-je condamné à entendre ce souffle ou existe-t-il des façon de le réduire, surtout pour qu'il soit supportable aux oreilles de ma femme ? P.S : Je précise que mon routeur étant dans mon salon, il m'est impossible de mettre le NAS au fin fond d'un placard.... Merci pour vos retours -
Sortie d'HIbernation toutes les heures - Webdav
Momozeel a répondu à un(e) sujet de Momozeel dans Installation, Démarrage et Configuration
Salut à tous, Malheureusement les choses ne se sont arrangées qu'à moitié avec la dernière MAj de DSM. En effet, dimanche sans toucher à mon NAS celui-ci n'est pas sorti d'hibernation entre 8h et 18h, ce qui est somme toute satisfaisant. En revanche, aujourd'hui lundi, sans le solliciter non plus, voici le log du hibernation debug tool : Jun 15 09:01:37 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3667.741827] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 09:01:37 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3667.835573] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 09:01:44 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3674.748461] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 09:01:55 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3674.843337] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 09:01:55 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3676.677987] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 09:01:55 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3679.361771] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 09:01:55 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3683.696019] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 09:01:55 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3686.259877] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 10:01:59 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7289.934578] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 10:01:59 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7290.028269] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 10:02:06 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7296.931170] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 10:02:17 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7297.025973] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 10:02:17 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7298.880618] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 10:02:17 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7301.624489] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 10:02:17 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7305.868731] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 10:02:17 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7308.432579] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 11:02:20 SynoZeel kernel: [10912.037209] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 11:02:21 SynoZeel kernel: [10912.130917] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 11:02:27 SynoZeel kernel: [10919.043853] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 11:02:39 SynoZeel kernel: [10919.138655] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 11:02:39 SynoZeel kernel: [10920.973354] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 11:02:39 SynoZeel kernel: [10923.597140] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 11:02:39 SynoZeel kernel: [10927.991411] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 11:02:39 SynoZeel kernel: [10930.615244] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 12:02:42 SynoZeel kernel: [14534.059957] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 12:02:42 SynoZeel kernel: [14534.153657] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 12:02:49 SynoZeel kernel: [14541.066602] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 12:03:01 SynoZeel kernel: [14541.161436] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 12:03:01 SynoZeel kernel: [14543.006054] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 12:03:01 SynoZeel kernel: [14545.689879] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 12:03:01 SynoZeel kernel: [14550.004167] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 12:03:01 SynoZeel kernel: [14552.627976] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 13:03:04 SynoZeel kernel: [18156.002676] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 13:03:04 SynoZeel kernel: [18156.096390] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 13:03:11 SynoZeel kernel: [18163.009338] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 13:03:23 SynoZeel kernel: [18163.104126] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 13:03:23 SynoZeel kernel: [18164.938829] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 13:03:23 SynoZeel kernel: [18167.682616] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 13:03:23 SynoZeel kernel: [18171.956892] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 13:03:23 SynoZeel kernel: [18174.520741] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 14:03:26 SynoZeel kernel: [21778.015503] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 14:03:26 SynoZeel kernel: [21778.109200] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 14:03:33 SynoZeel kernel: [21785.012088] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 14:03:45 SynoZeel kernel: [21785.106883] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 14:03:45 SynoZeel kernel: [21786.961540] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 14:03:45 SynoZeel kernel: [21789.585376] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 14:03:45 SynoZeel kernel: [21793.949632] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 14:03:45 SynoZeel kernel: [21796.513472] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 15:03:48 SynoZeel kernel: [25400.028215] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 15:03:48 SynoZeel kernel: [25400.121913] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 15:03:55 SynoZeel kernel: [25407.024802] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 15 15:04:06 SynoZeel kernel: [25407.119594] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 15 15:04:06 SynoZeel kernel: [25408.964301] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 15:04:06 SynoZeel kernel: [25411.588138] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 15 15:04:06 SynoZeel kernel: [25415.972359] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 15 15:04:06 SynoZeel kernel: [25418.536211] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Aucun moyen de voir ce qui réveille le NAS à une heure d'intervalle avec une régularité suisse... Toute aide pour m'aider à identifier la cause sera grandement appréciée. Merci d'avance, -
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Momozeel a répondu à un(e) sujet de Momozeel dans Installation, Démarrage et Configuration
Ahhh ! Génial, je vais tenter alors. La précédente MAJ n'avait fait qu'empirer (entrée en hibernation impossible) les choses donc je craignais un peu de mettre à jour. Merci pour ton retour Aizen. -
Sortie d'HIbernation toutes les heures - Webdav
Momozeel a posté un sujet dans Installation, Démarrage et Configuration
Bonsoir à tous, Depuis l'achat de mon 215j, je suis un peu gêné par le bruit des ventilos. J'ai donc essayé de mettre en place l'hibernation dès le début. Après avoir fait machine arrière sur la dernière mise à jour qui bloquait complètement l'hibernation, je suis parvenu à l'activer , mais me rend compte que le NAS sort d'hibernation toutes les heures. Je joins ci-dessous le log Hibernation debug que j'ai réussi à extraire sur le journée d'aujourd'hui. Votre aide pour m'aider à trouver le fautif dans l'affaire sera plus que bienvenue. Merci d'avance ! Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [414fc091] revision 1 (ARMv7), cr=10c53c7d Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.000000] Machine: Marvell Armada-375 Board Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.000000] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writealloc Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 130048 Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.000000] Synology Hardware Version: DS215jv10-j Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.000000] Internal HD num: 2 Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.000000] Internal netif num: 1 Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.151137] CPU1: Booted secondary processor Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.360179] mvBoardTwsiGet: Twsi Read fail Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.360189] mvBoardIoExpValSet: Error: Read from IO Expander failed Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362107] Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362113] CPU Interface Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362118] ------------- Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362124] SDRAM_CS0 ....base 000000000, size 512MB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362140] SDRAM_CS1 ....disable Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362149] SDRAM_CS2 ....disable Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362156] SDRAM_CS3 ....disable Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362164] DEVICE_CS0 ....base 0f4000000, size 1MB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362182] DEVICE_CS1 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362203] DEVICE_CS2 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362223] DEVICE_CS3 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362243] PEX0_MEM ....base 0e0000000, size 16MB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362257] PEX0_IO ....base 0f1100000, size 1MB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362271] PEX1_MEM ....base 0e2000000, size 16MB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362285] PEX1_IO ....base 0f1200000, size 1MB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362300] INTER_REGS ....base 0f1000000, size 1MB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362313] DMA_UART ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362333] SPI_CS0 ....base 0f0000000, size 16MB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362352] SPI_CS1 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362371] SPI_CS2 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362391] SPI_CS3 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362410] SPI_CS4 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362430] SPI_CS5 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362449] SPI_CS6 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362468] SPI_CS7 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362488] BOOT_ROM_CS ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362508] DEV_BOOTCS ....base 0f2000000, size 32MB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362525] USB3 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362545] CRYPT0_ENG ....base 0f4400000, size 64KB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362562] CRYPT1_ENG ....base 0f4480000, size 64KB Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362578] PP2 - CPU 0 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.362598] PP2 - CPU 1 ....no such Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.365395] Synology Armada375 2-bay GPIO Init Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.540087] raid6: int32x1 54 MB/s Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.710536] raid6: int32x2 90 MB/s Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 0.880168] raid6: int32x4 131 MB/s Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 1.050120] raid6: int32x8 164 MB/s Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 1.050127] raid6: using algorithm int32x8 (164 MB/s) Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3.323322] cesadev_init(80548084) Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3.393151] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes) Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 13.096595] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 19.176300] Delay 5 seconds to wait for disk 2 ready. Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 27.885530] physmap-flash physmap-flash.0: map_probe failed Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 27.886912] SPI Serial flash detected @ 0xf0000000, 8192KB (128sec x 64KB) Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 27.968880] vender Mac1 checksum error ucSum:0x00 Buf:0x00 Sum:0. Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 27.975044] vender Mac2 checksum error ucSum:0x00 Buf:0x00 Sum:0. Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 27.981169] vender Mac3 checksum error ucSum:0x00 Buf:0x00 Sum:0. Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 27.987299] vender Mac4 checksum error ucSum:0xa1 Buf:0x3d Sum:161. Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 27.993600] vender Mac5 checksum error ucSum:0x74 Buf:0x4e Sum:372. Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 27.999898] vender Mac6 checksum error ucSum:0x38 Buf:0x2c Sum:312. Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 28.006199] vender Mac7 checksum error ucSum:0x80 Buf:0x32 Sum:384. Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 28.012501] serial number='14B0MPN036942' Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 28.188715] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sda5 Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 28.193810] md: sda5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing! Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 28.263202] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdb5 Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 28.268282] md: sdb5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing! Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 28.289451] md: sda2 has different UUID to sda1 Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 28.297278] md: sdb2 has different UUID to sda1 Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 31.703344] ds215j_synobios: module license 'Synology Inc.' taints kernel. Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 31.710259] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 31.717211] 2015-6-9 5:48:2 UTC Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 31.724765] Brand: Synology Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 31.727597] Model: DS-215j Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 31.730331] This is default settings: set group disks wakeup number to 1, spinup time deno 1 Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 31.785001] synobios: unload Jun 9 07:48:07 SynoZeel kernel: [ 35.578180] EXT3-fs (md0): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240) Jun 9 07:48:09 SynoZeel synoplatform: system_max_align_get.c:56 failed to popen [/usr/bin/pg_controldata --dump-alignment], errno=File exists Jun 9 07:48:12 SynoZeel kernel: [ 42.222368] init: syno-auth-check main process (1613) killed by TERM signal Jun 9 07:48:12 SynoZeel synoservicecfg: servicecfg_root_object_get.c:115 service config for service [] is not exist Jun 9 07:48:17 SynoZeel kernel: [ 47.546733] mvCesaInit: channels=2, session=640, queue=256 Jun 9 07:48:18 SynoZeel kernel: [ 48.076122] encryptfs using the OCF package. Jun 9 07:48:20 SynoZeel kernel: [ 49.193742] 2015-6-9 5:48:20 UTC Jun 9 07:48:20 SynoZeel kernel: [ 49.201385] Brand: Synology Jun 9 07:48:20 SynoZeel kernel: [ 49.204216] Model: DS-215j Jun 9 07:48:20 SynoZeel kernel: [ 49.206959] This is default settings: set group disks wakeup number to 1, spinup time deno 1 Jun 9 07:48:20 SynoZeel synonetseqadj: conf_maxlanport_get.c:22 Failed to SLIBCFileGetKeyValue(/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf,maxlanport) Jun 9 07:48:20 SynoZeel interface-catcher: eth0 (dhcp) is added Jun 9 07:48:20 SynoZeel interface-catcher: lo (inet netmask ) is added Jun 9 07:48:22 SynoZeel dhcp-client: started on eth0 Jun 9 07:48:23 SynoZeel kernel: [ 52.193234] init: dhcp-client (eth0) main process (3896) killed by TERM signal Jun 9 07:48:23 SynoZeel dhcp-client: stopped on eth0 Jun 9 07:48:23 SynoZeel dhcp-client: started on eth0 Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:2833 [Info] Old vg path: [/dev/vg1000], New vg path: [/dev/vg1000], UUID: [IONH3n-3Qm5-6Vyl-I128-4h48-C0SI-R3eT0y] Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:2833 [Info] Old vg path: [/dev/vg1001], New vg path: [/dev/vg1001], UUID: [DAKsom-RUwz-En8X-x9Xg-Q6NO-cmWy-lImrGb] Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:2840 [Info] Activate all VG Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:2851 Activate LVM [/dev/vg1000] Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:2851 Activate LVM [/dev/vg1001] Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:2894 space: [/dev/vg1001] Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:2894 space: [/dev/vg1000] Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel synonetd: servicecfg_internal_lib.c:355 skip reload stopping/stopped job [ddnsd][0xD300 servicectl_job_reload.c:42] Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:2920 space: [/dev/vg1000], ndisk: [1] Jun 9 07:48:26 SynoZeel spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:2920 space: [/dev/vg1001], ndisk: [1] Jun 9 07:48:29 SynoZeel synovspace: virtual_space_conf_check.c:78 [INFO] "PASS" checking configuration of virtual space [FCACHE], app: [1] Jun 9 07:48:29 SynoZeel synovspace: virtual_space_conf_check.c:74 [INFO] No implementation, skip checking configuration of virtual space [HA] Jun 9 07:48:29 SynoZeel synovspace: virtual_space_conf_check.c:74 [INFO] No implementation, skip checking configuration of virtual space [SNAPSHOT_ORG] Jun 9 07:48:29 SynoZeel synovspace: vspace_wrapper_load_all.c:76 [INFO] No virtual layer above space: [/volume2] / [/dev/vg1001/lv] Jun 9 07:48:29 SynoZeel synovspace: vspace_wrapper_load_all.c:76 [INFO] No virtual layer above space: [/volume1] / [/dev/vg1000/lv] Jun 9 07:48:36 SynoZeel ddnsd: ddnsd.c:3407 DDNS Expired. UpdateAll. Jun 9 07:48:36 SynoZeel synocheckhotspare: synocheckhotspare.c:149 [INFO] No hotspare config, skip hotspare config check. [0x2000 virtual_space_layer_get.c:98] Jun 9 07:48:38 SynoZeel synousbdisk: RCClean succeeded Jun 9 07:48:39 SynoZeel synosata: synosata.c:71 no external sata devices granted Jun 9 07:48:39 SynoZeel syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD40EFRX-68WT0N0], Firmware:[82.00A82], S/N:[WD-WCC4E7DUD3NL] in [/dev/sdb] is not ssd Jun 9 07:48:39 SynoZeel syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD40EFRX-68WT0N0], Firmware:[82.00A82], S/N:[WD-WCC4E1FK869E] in [/dev/sda] is not ssd Jun 9 07:48:40 SynoZeel ddnsd: ddnsd.c:2466 Success to update [momozeel.synology.me] with IP [] at [Synology] Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1265 ##### ACTION:add Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: DEVNAME:sda Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: DEVGUID:WD-WCC4E1FK869E0 Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: DEVPATH:sda Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:block Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: PHYSDEVPATH:/devices/platform/sata_mv.0/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0 Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1349 ==== SATA disk [sda] hotswap [add] ==== Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: disk/disk_config_single.c:168 apply /usr/syno/bin/DiskApmSet.sh 255 /dev/sda 1>/dev/null 2>&1 Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1374 ==== SATA disk [sda] Model: [WD40EFRX-68WT0N0 ] ==== Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1375 ==== SATA disk [sda] Serial number: [WD-WCC4E1FK869E] ==== Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1376 ==== SATA disk [sda] Firmware version: [82.00A82] ==== Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1265 ##### ACTION:add Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: DEVNAME:sdb Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: DEVGUID:WD-WCC4E7DUD3NL0 Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: DEVPATH:sdb Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:block Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: PHYSDEVPATH:/devices/platform/sata_mv.0/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0 Jun 9 07:48:41 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1349 ==== SATA disk [sdb] hotswap [add] ==== Jun 9 07:48:42 SynoZeel hotplugd: disk/disk_config_single.c:168 apply /usr/syno/bin/DiskApmSet.sh 255 /dev/sdb 1>/dev/null 2>&1 Jun 9 07:48:42 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1374 ==== SATA disk [sdb] Model: [WD40EFRX-68WT0N0 ] ==== Jun 9 07:48:42 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1375 ==== SATA disk [sdb] Serial number: [WD-WCC4E7DUD3NL] ==== Jun 9 07:48:42 SynoZeel hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1376 ==== SATA disk [sdb] Firmware version: [82.00A82] ==== Jun 9 07:48:55 SynoZeel synoimgbkptool: repository.cpp:1867 [Version Backup] roll-back-scan on /volume2/@img_bkp_repo starts Jun 9 07:48:56 SynoZeel synoimgbkptool: repository.cpp:1926 [Version Backup] roll-back-scan on /volume2/@img_bkp_repo done Jun 9 07:49:00 SynoZeel S99zbootok.sh: all service finish boot up. Jun 9 07:49:02 SynoZeel servicetool: service_third_party.c:38 synoservice: start all packages ... Jun 9 07:49:26 SynoZeel servicetool: service_third_party.c:57 synoservice: finish started all packages Jun 9 07:49:27 SynoZeel root: == DSM finished boot up == Jun 9 07:49:29 SynoZeel synorelayd: src/libsynoportmapHelper.cpp:147 SLibSynoPortMapRouterDetect() success: upnp/natpmp Jun 9 07:49:37 SynoZeel syno_hibernate_debug_tool: (133): Start Hibernation Debug with log level [1] Jun 9 08:22:08 SynoZeel kernel: [ 2077.270993] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 08:22:08 SynoZeel kernel: [ 2077.365917] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 08:22:10 SynoZeel kernel: [ 2079.270126] [anon_inode:[timerfd]] (1026) - pid 10737 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 08:22:15 SynoZeel kernel: [ 2084.268797] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 08:22:15 SynoZeel kernel: [ 2084.362572] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 08:22:17 SynoZeel kernel: [ 2086.218250] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 08:22:19 SynoZeel kernel: [ 2088.782130] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 08:22:24 SynoZeel kernel: [ 2093.206386] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 08:22:26 SynoZeel kernel: [ 2095.890217] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 08:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3872.455706] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 08:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3872.549495] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.446617] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.457211] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.468488] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.479066] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.490340] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.500830] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.511933] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.522424] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.533523] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.541482] [/] (2) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.547608] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.554952] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.562911] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.570263] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.577611] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.585566] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.592914] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.600087] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.607870] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.616789] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.625528] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.634882] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.642665] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.650363] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.658322] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.666538] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.674150] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.681498] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.689460] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.696809] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.704152] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3874.711503] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 12373 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7125 [httpd] Jun 9 08:52:10 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3879.795178] [anon_inode:[timerfd]] (1026) - pid 10737 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 08:52:10 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3879.795208] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 08:52:10 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3879.884695] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 08:52:12 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3881.394761] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 08:52:14 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3884.018582] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 08:52:19 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3888.732776] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 08:52:22 SynoZeel kernel: [ 3891.296651] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 09:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7472.721031] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 09:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7472.814726] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.716980] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.727573] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.738857] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.749438] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.760715] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.771207] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.782311] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.792802] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.803905] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.811866] [/] (2) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.817995] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.825340] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.833301] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.840652] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.848003] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.855958] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.863308] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.870483] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.878269] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.887190] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.895930] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.905286] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.913073] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.920771] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.928733] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.936958] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.944566] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.951916] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.959878] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.967228] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.974573] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7474.981923] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 13750 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7125 [httpd] Jun 9 09:52:10 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7479.785650] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 5333 [comm:(scemd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 09:52:10 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7479.794051] [anon_inode:[timerfd]] (1026) - pid 10737 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 09:52:10 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7479.803255] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 09:52:10 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7479.898045] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 09:52:12 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7481.945057] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 09:52:15 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7484.268987] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 09:52:22 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7488.743245] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 09:52:22 SynoZeel kernel: [ 7491.427056] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 10:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [11072.966407] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 10:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [11073.060124] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11074.957358] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11074.967950] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11074.979226] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11074.989804] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.001078] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.011568] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.022667] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.033156] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.044255] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.052214] [/] (2) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.058340] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.065684] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.073643] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.080990] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.088337] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.096292] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.103639] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.110812] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.118596] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.127514] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.136255] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.145609] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.153392] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.161088] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.169056] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.177273] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.184883] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.192230] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.200202] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.207550] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.214894] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [11075.222242] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 15127 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7123 [httpd] Jun 9 10:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [11080.855767] [anon_inode:[timerfd]] (1026) - pid 10737 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 10:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [11080.855802] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 10:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [11080.945197] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 10:52:12 SynoZeel kernel: [11081.905500] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 10:52:15 SynoZeel kernel: [11084.529362] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 10:52:23 SynoZeel kernel: [11089.793412] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 10:52:23 SynoZeel kernel: [11092.417219] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 10:52:23 SynoZeel kernel: [11093.014238] init: logrotate main process (15153) terminated with status 1 Jun 9 11:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [14673.207546] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 11:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [14673.301247] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.197732] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.208322] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.219598] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.230175] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.241449] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.251938] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.263037] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.273527] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.284626] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.292584] [/] (2) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.298714] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.306059] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.314017] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.321365] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.328723] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.336679] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.344027] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.351200] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.358983] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.367902] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.376642] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.385996] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.393780] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.401475] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.409434] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.417651] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.425259] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.432607] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.440567] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.447915] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.455259] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [14675.462606] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 16509 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7123 [httpd] Jun 9 11:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [14680.886202] [anon_inode:[timerfd]] (1026) - pid 10737 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 11:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [14680.886314] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 11:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [14680.975739] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 11:52:12 SynoZeel kernel: [14682.155878] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 11:52:15 SynoZeel kernel: [14684.779710] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 11:52:20 SynoZeel kernel: [14689.823824] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 11:52:22 SynoZeel kernel: [14692.447636] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 12:27:55 SynoZeel kernel: [16825.239837] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 12:27:55 SynoZeel kernel: [16825.334639] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 12:27:57 SynoZeel kernel: [16827.238137] [Block I/O] on [md0] - pid 17317 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 17316 [synorelayd] Jun 9 12:27:57 SynoZeel kernel: [16827.246449] [SCSI CMD] on [sdb] - pid 17317 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 17316 [synorelayd] Jun 9 12:27:57 SynoZeel kernel: [16827.254678] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 5333 [comm:(scemd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 12:28:02 SynoZeel kernel: [16832.256927] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 12:28:02 SynoZeel kernel: [16832.350620] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 12:28:04 SynoZeel kernel: [16834.186324] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 12:28:07 SynoZeel kernel: [16836.750131] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 12:28:14 SynoZeel kernel: [16841.194415] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 12:28:14 SynoZeel kernel: [16843.818233] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 12:28:22 SynoZeel kernel: [16851.908877] init: smbd main process (6896) killed by TERM signal Jun 9 12:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [18273.474603] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 12:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [18273.568387] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.468121] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.478712] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.489992] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.500572] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.511849] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.522342] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.533443] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.543934] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.555036] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.562996] [/] (2) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.569123] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.576468] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.584428] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.591776] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.599126] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.607081] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.614430] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.621605] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.629390] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.638310] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.647050] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.656407] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.664194] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.671893] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.679854] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.688075] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.695681] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.703030] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.710990] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.718341] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.725686] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [18275.733034] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 18698 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7125 [httpd] Jun 9 12:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [18280.916633] [anon_inode:[timerfd]] (1026) - pid 10737 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 12:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [18280.916666] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 12:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [18281.006164] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 12:52:12 SynoZeel kernel: [18282.686172] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 12:52:15 SynoZeel kernel: [18285.130081] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 12:52:20 SynoZeel kernel: [18289.854260] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 12:52:22 SynoZeel kernel: [18292.478077] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 13:30:51 SynoZeel kernel: [20601.233795] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 13:30:51 SynoZeel kernel: [20601.328617] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.231217] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down] (6776) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.239970] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/iptablesTcIfUpDown.sh] (6777) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.250659] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/upsNetChg.sh] (6778) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.260566] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/ssdpIfUpDown.sh] (6779) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.270731] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/interfaceDownAdjustList.sh] (6780) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.281857] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/interface_policy_routing_post.sh] (6781) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.293507] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/iptablesTcIfUpDown.sh] (6777) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.304197] [/] (2) - pid 19619 [comm:(iptablesTcIfUpD)], ppid 19618 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.311114] [.] (2) - pid 19619 [comm:(iptablesTcIfUpD)], ppid 19618 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.318056] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/iptablesTcIfUpDown.sh] (6777) - pid 19619 [comm:(iptablesTcIfUpD)], ppid 19618 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.329615] [/usr/libexec/net/iptablesTcIfUpDown.sh] (6775) - pid 19619 [comm:(iptablesTcIfUpD)], ppid 19618 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.340044] [/bin/echo] (78) - pid 19619 [comm:(iptablesTcIfUpD)], ppid 19618 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.347752] [/usr/libexec/net/iptablesTcIfUpDown.sh] (6775) - pid 19619 [comm:(iptablesTcIfUpD)], ppid 19618 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.358179] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/upsNetChg.sh] (6778) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.368083] [/] (2) - pid 19622 [comm:(upsNetChg.sh)], ppid 19621 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.374746] [.] (2) - pid 19622 [comm:(upsNetChg.sh)], ppid 19621 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.381415] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/upsNetChg.sh] (6778) - pid 19622 [comm:(upsNetChg.sh)], ppid 19621 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.391927] [/usr/libexec/upsNetChg.sh] (6753) - pid 19622 [comm:(upsNetChg.sh)], ppid 19621 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.400939] [/bin/echo] (78) - pid 19622 [comm:(upsNetChg.sh)], ppid 19621 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.408395] [Block I/O] on [md0] - pid 19623 [comm:(openvpn)], ppid 17316 [openvpn] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.416198] [SCSI CMD] on [sdb] - pid 19623 [comm:(openvpn)], ppid 17316 [openvpn] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.423912] [/usr/libexec/upsNetChg.sh] (6753) - pid 19622 [comm:(upsNetChg.sh)], ppid 19621 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.432935] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/ssdpIfUpDown.sh] (6779) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.443093] [/] (2) - pid 19626 [comm:(ssdpIfUpDown.sh)], ppid 19625 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.450020] [.] (2) - pid 19626 [comm:(ssdpIfUpDown.sh)], ppid 19625 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.456959] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/ssdpIfUpDown.sh] (6779) - pid 19626 [comm:(ssdpIfUpDown.sh)], ppid 19625 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.467997] [/usr/libexec/net/ssdpIfUpDown.sh] (6791) - pid 19626 [comm:(ssdpIfUpDown.sh)], ppid 19625 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.477897] [/bin/echo] (78) - pid 19626 [comm:(ssdpIfUpDown.sh)], ppid 19625 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.485627] [/usr/libexec/net/ssdpIfUpDown.sh] (6791) - pid 19626 [comm:(ssdpIfUpDown.sh)], ppid 19625 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.495529] [/usr/libexec/net/if_link_down/interfaceDownAdjustList.sh] (6780) - pid 1876 [comm:(synonetd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.506655] [/] (2) - pid 19629 [comm:(interfaceDownAd)], ppid 19628 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.513594] [.] (2) - pid 19629 [comm:(interfaceDownAd)], ppid 19628 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.520511] [/usr/syno/sbin/synonetdtool] (8094) - pid 19708 [comm:(interface_polic)], ppid 19645 [interface_polic] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.531116] [/bin/sed] (97) - pid 19708 [comm:(interface_polic)], ppid 19645 [interface_polic] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.539892] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 5333 [comm:(scemd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.548320] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 19706 [comm:(synobootupcheck)], ppid 19704 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.557881] [/var/log/upstart/nmbd.log] (26691) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.566223] [/] (2) - pid 19711 [comm:(S80samba.sh)], ppid 19704 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.572811] [.] (2) - pid 19711 [comm:(S80samba.sh)], ppid 19704 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.579380] [/usr/syno/etc/rc.sysv/S80samba.sh] (22541) - pid 19711 [comm:(S80samba.sh)], ppid 19704 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.589112] [/usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.sysv/S80samba.sh] (22541) - pid 19711 [comm:(S80samba.sh)], ppid 19704 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.599632] [/etc/rc.subr] (2234) - pid 19711 [comm:(S80samba.sh)], ppid 19704 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.607444] [/bin/stty] (58) - pid 19711 [comm:(S80samba.sh)], ppid 19704 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.614821] [/etc/rc.subr] (2234) - pid 19711 [comm:(S80samba.sh)], ppid 19704 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.622632] [/usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.sysv/S80samba.sh] (22541) - pid 19711 [comm:(S80samba.sh)], ppid 19704 [sh] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.633148] [/usr/libexec/net/interface_policy_routing_post.sh] (6800) - pid 19645 [comm:(interface_polic)], ppid 19637 [synonetd] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.645064] [/etc/group] (2049) - pid 19712 [comm:(init)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.651913] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 19712 [comm:(init)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.658918] [/etc/group] (2049) - pid 19712 [comm:(init)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.665762] [/sbin/restart] (6389) - pid 19684 [comm:(interfaceDownAd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.673832] [/usr/lib/samba] (5819) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.681011] [/usr/lib/samba/libpopt_samba3.so] (5996) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.689777] [/usr/lib/samba/libsocket_wrapper.so] (5933) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.698805] [/usr/lib/samba/liblibsmb.so] (5920) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.707133] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.715538] [/usr/lib/samba/libsamba-security.so] (5934) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.724560] [/usr/lib/samba/liberrors.so] (5859) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.732877] [/usr/lib/samba/libuid_wrapper.so] (6018) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.741636] [/usr/lib/samba/libsamba3-util.so] (5847) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.750382] [/usr/lib/samba/libutil_tdb.so] (6008) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.758878] [/usr/lib/samba/libsamba-sockets.so] (5853) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.767805] [/usr/lib/samba/libcli_cldap.so] (6027) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.776389] [/usr/lib/samba/libcli_smb_common.so] (5936) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.785412] [/usr/lib/samba/libgse.so] (5876) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.793476] [/usr/lib/samba/libsmbregistry.so] (6015) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.802230] [/usr/lib/samba/libCHARSET3.so] (6025) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.810714] [/usr/lib/samba/libcli-nbt.so] (5998) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.819125] [/usr/lib/samba/libutil_cmdline.so] (5869) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:53 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.827964] [/usr/lib/samba/libndr-samba.so] (5903) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:54 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.836537] [/usr/lib/samba/libcliauth.so] (6029) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:54 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.844937] [/usr/lib/samba/libkrb5samba.so] (6007) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:54 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.853510] [/usr/lib/samba/libcom_err-samba4.so.0] (5840) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:54 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.862693] [/usr/lib/samba/libasn1util.so] (5866) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:54 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.871188] [/usr/lib/samba/libsmb_transport.so] (5854) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:54 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.880107] [/usr/lib/samba/libinterfaces.so] (6013) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:54 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.888769] [/usr/lib/samba/libutil_setid.so] (5855) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:54 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.897440] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:54 SynoZeel kernel: [20603.906465] [/usr/lib/samba/libhx509-samba4.so.5] (5941) - pid 19712 [comm:(nmbd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:30:55 SynoZeel kernel: [20604.926687] init: smbd main process (17854) killed by TERM signal Jun 9 13:31:10 SynoZeel kernel: [20608.229845] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 13:31:10 SynoZeel kernel: [20608.323559] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 13:31:10 SynoZeel kernel: [20610.869165] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 13:31:10 SynoZeel kernel: [20612.773262] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 13:31:10 SynoZeel kernel: [20617.177502] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 13:31:10 SynoZeel kernel: [20619.801561] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 13:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [21873.734072] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 13:52:03 SynoZeel kernel: [21873.827883] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.728495] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.739087] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.750365] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.760945] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.772221] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.782712] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.793814] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.804305] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.815406] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.823366] [/] (2) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.829493] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.836837] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.844795] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.852144] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.859493] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.867447] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.874796] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.881970] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:05 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.889756] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.898676] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.907416] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.916773] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.924559] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.932258] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.940218] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.948440] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.956047] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.963396] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.971356] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.978705] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.986050] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:06 SynoZeel kernel: [21875.993399] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 20492 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7123 [httpd] Jun 9 13:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [21880.947060] [anon_inode:[timerfd]] (1026) - pid 10737 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 13:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [21880.947098] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 13:52:11 SynoZeel kernel: [21881.036596] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 13:52:13 SynoZeel kernel: [21882.946539] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 13:52:15 SynoZeel kernel: [21885.270526] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 13:52:19 SynoZeel kernel: [21889.884695] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 13:52:22 SynoZeel kernel: [21892.568497] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 14:42:44 SynoZeel kernel: [24914.090455] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 14:42:44 SynoZeel kernel: [24914.184111] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.089655] [/etc/resolv.conf] (26620) - pid 4793 [comm:(ddnsd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.097093] [/etc/hosts] (26869) - pid 4793 [comm:(ddnsd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.104014] [/etc/resolv.conf] (26620) - pid 4793 [comm:(ddnsd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.111450] [/etc/hosts] (26869) - pid 4793 [comm:(ddnsd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.118359] [/etc/resolv.conf] (26620) - pid 4793 [comm:(ddnsd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.125793] [/etc/hosts] (26869) - pid 4793 [comm:(ddnsd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.132703] [/etc/resolv.conf] (26620) - pid 4793 [comm:(ddnsd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.140136] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.150712] [webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) on [md0] - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.159630] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.170206] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.181484] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.192061] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.203335] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.213822] [webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) on [md0] - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.222653] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.233142] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.244241] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.254730] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.265828] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.273788] [/] (2) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.279921] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.287265] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.295223] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.302570] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.309917] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.317871] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.325222] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.332395] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.340181] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.349096] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:46 SynoZeel kernel: [24916.357839] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 14:42:51 SynoZeel kernel: [24921.368246] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 14:42:51 SynoZeel kernel: [24921.463017] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 14:42:53 SynoZeel kernel: [24923.037817] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 14:42:55 SynoZeel kernel: [24925.781629] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 14:43:00 SynoZeel kernel: [24930.305839] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 14:43:02 SynoZeel kernel: [24932.929631] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 15:52:39 SynoZeel kernel: [29109.399425] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 15:52:39 SynoZeel kernel: [29109.493170] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.389738] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.400330] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.411607] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.422183] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.433465] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.443959] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.455059] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.465548] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.476648] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.484607] [/] (2) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.490733] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.498077] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.506039] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.513387] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.520735] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.528690] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.536037] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.543210] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.550994] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.559912] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.568653] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.578007] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.585790] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.593487] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.601446] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.609663] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.617271] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.624618] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.632577] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.639925] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.647269] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7125 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [29111.654616] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 23271 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7125 [httpd] Jun 9 15:52:46 SynoZeel kernel: [29116.998238] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 15:52:46 SynoZeel kernel: [29117.093023] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 15:52:48 SynoZeel kernel: [29118.337904] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 15:52:50 SynoZeel kernel: [29120.961754] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 15:52:55 SynoZeel kernel: [29125.945829] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 15:52:58 SynoZeel kernel: [29128.509699] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 16:52:39 SynoZeel kernel: [32709.655152] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 16:52:39 SynoZeel kernel: [32709.748841] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.650110] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.660706] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.671983] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.682563] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.693838] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.704328] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.715428] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.725917] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.737016] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.744974] [/] (2) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.751100] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.758444] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.766403] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.773749] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.781097] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.789052] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.796399] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.803572] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.811357] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.820275] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.829014] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.838368] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.846153] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.853850] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.861808] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.870025] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.877633] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.884981] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.892939] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.900292] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.907636] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [32711.914983] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 24646 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7123 [httpd] Jun 9 16:52:46 SynoZeel kernel: [32717.028690] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 5333 [comm:(scemd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 16:52:46 SynoZeel kernel: [32717.037106] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 16:52:46 SynoZeel kernel: [32717.131892] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 16:52:48 SynoZeel kernel: [32718.598254] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 16:52:50 SynoZeel kernel: [32721.342094] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 16:52:58 SynoZeel kernel: [32725.976261] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 16:52:58 SynoZeel kernel: [32728.720089] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 17:52:39 SynoZeel kernel: [36309.912740] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 17:52:39 SynoZeel kernel: [36310.006418] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36311.910504] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36311.921106] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36311.932391] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36311.942971] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36311.954248] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36311.964740] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36311.975841] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36311.986332] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36311.997434] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.005394] [/] (2) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.011522] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.018865] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.026825] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.034183] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.041527] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.049482] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.056831] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.064006] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.071792] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.080711] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.089452] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.098808] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.106593] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.114292] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.122252] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.130474] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.138080] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.145429] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.153389] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.160739] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.168084] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.175433] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 26058 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7123 [httpd] Jun 9 17:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [36312.184964] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 5333 [comm:(scemd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 17:52:46 SynoZeel kernel: [36317.059131] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 17:52:46 SynoZeel kernel: [36317.153905] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 17:52:48 SynoZeel kernel: [36319.138546] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 17:52:50 SynoZeel kernel: [36321.522422] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 17:52:58 SynoZeel kernel: [36325.996722] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 17:52:58 SynoZeel kernel: [36328.740530] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 18:52:39 SynoZeel kernel: [39910.231043] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 18:52:39 SynoZeel kernel: [39910.324789] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.220860] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.231453] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.242728] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (7326) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.253305] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-pure.cfg] (26562) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.264579] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.275072] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.286171] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.d/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (7354) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.296660] [/usr/syno/etc/synoservice.override/webdav-httpd-ssl.cfg] (1859) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.307758] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.315716] [/] (2) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.321841] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.329185] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.337143] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.344489] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.351839] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.359795] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.367141] [/etc/pam.d] (1801) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.374314] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.382097] [/usr/lib/samba/libiniparser.so] (6028) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.391015] [/usr/lib/samba/libreplace.so] (5868) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.399756] [/usr/lib/samba/libwinbind-client.so] (5930) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.409109] [/etc/pam.d/webdav] (1802) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.416891] [/etc/pam.d/other] (1808) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.424587] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.432545] [/etc/synoautoblock.db] (26746) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.440762] [anon_inode:inotify] (1026) - pid 1 [comm:(init)], ppid 0 [swapper/0] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.448371] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.455717] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.463675] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.471022] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.478366] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 7123 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 7059 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:41 SynoZeel kernel: [39912.485712] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 27438 [comm:(synoautoblock)], ppid 7123 [httpd] Jun 9 18:52:47 SynoZeel kernel: [39918.049261] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 5333 [comm:(scemd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 18:52:47 SynoZeel kernel: [39918.049342] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 18:52:47 SynoZeel kernel: [39918.138781] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 18:52:48 SynoZeel kernel: [39919.178972] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 18:52:51 SynoZeel kernel: [39921.802843] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 18:52:56 SynoZeel kernel: [39926.986891] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 18:52:58 SynoZeel kernel: [39929.550751] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 19:56:58 SynoZeel kernel: [43769.656837] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 19:56:58 SynoZeel kernel: [43769.751644] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.651401] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/encryption.cgi] (17839) - pid 10693 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 5941 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.661284] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/.htaccess] (17856) - pid 10693 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 5941 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.670738] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/encryption.cgi] (17839) - pid 10693 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 5941 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.680619] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.690323] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/dsm.auth] (17802) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.700550] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.709468] [/usr/syno/etc/private/session] (32809) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.719351] [/usr/syno/etc/private/session/current.users.access.time] (32810) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.731498] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/query.api] (17867) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.741822] [/etc.defaults/VERSION] (22310) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.750999] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.760704] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.769622] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.779326] [/usr/syno/etc/ssl/cgi.key/modulus] (26675) - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.789553] [Block I/O] on [md0] - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.797773] [SCSI CMD] on [sdb] - pid 28894 [comm:(encryption.cgi)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.805909] [anon_inode:[timerfd]] (1026) - pid 10737 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 19:57:00 SynoZeel kernel: [43771.814129] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 5333 [comm:(scemd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 19:57:05 SynoZeel kernel: [43776.820045] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 19:57:05 SynoZeel kernel: [43776.913739] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 19:57:07 SynoZeel kernel: [43778.599542] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 19:57:10 SynoZeel kernel: [43781.163415] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 19:57:17 SynoZeel kernel: [43785.767636] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 19:57:17 SynoZeel kernel: [43788.391460] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 20:54:57 SynoZeel kernel: [47248.442799] ata1: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 20:54:57 SynoZeel kernel: [47248.536618] ata1: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.434511] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/_______________________________________________________entry.cgi] (17837) - pid 10693 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 5941 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.448765] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/.htaccess] (17856) - pid 10693 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 5941 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.458213] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/_______________________________________________________entry.cgi] (17837) - pid 10693 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 5941 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.472457] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/entry.cgi] (17806) - pid 10693 [comm:(httpd)], ppid 5941 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.481902] [/etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf] (22308) - pid 728 [comm:(_______________)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.491521] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/lib.def] (17886) - pid 728 [comm:(_______________)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.501575] [/etc/synoinfo.conf] (26752) - pid 728 [comm:(_______________)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.510408] [/usr/syno/etc/private/session] (32809) - pid 728 [comm:(_______________)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.520200] [/usr/syno/etc/private/session/current.users.access.time] (32810) - pid 728 [comm:(_______________)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.532261] [SYNO.Entry.Request.lib] (17874) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Entry.Requ)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.541444] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/SYNO.Entry.Request.lib] (17874) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Entry.Requ)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.552807] [SYNO.Core.AppNotify.lib] (17875) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Entry.Requ)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.562088] [/usr/syno/synoman/webapi/SYNO.Core.AppNotify.lib] (17875) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Entry.Requ)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.573545] [/usr/syno/etc/private/session/current.users.lock] (26665) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.584997] [/usr/syno/etc/private/session/current.users] (2071) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.595924] [/usr/syno/etc/private/session/current.users.access.time/REuiyM.63J8.o14B0MPN036942] (27776) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.610342] [/usr/syno/etc/private/session/current.users.access.time/CFbJx7Bw6ZUMM14B0MPN036942] (27812) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.624759] [/etc/passwd] (26823) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.632975] [/etc/synouser.conf] (26852) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.641808] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.650029] [/etc/nsswitch.conf] (3525) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.658775] [/etc/shadow] (26853) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.667005] [/usr/share/icu/53.1/icudt53l.dat] (20733) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.677062] [/etc/group] (2049) - pid 728 [comm:(SYNO.Core.AppNo)], ppid 10633 [httpd] Jun 9 20:54:59 SynoZeel kernel: [47250.685111] [anon_inode:[timerfd]] (1026) - pid 10737 [comm:(synorelayd)], ppid 1 [init] Jun 9 20:55:04 SynoZeel kernel: [47255.433176] ata2: wake up from deepsleep, reset link now Jun 9 20:55:04 SynoZeel kernel: [47255.528066] ata2: device plugged sstatus 0x123 Jun 9 20:55:06 SynoZeel kernel: [47257.642616] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 20:55:08 SynoZeel kernel: [47259.966514] ata1: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 20:55:15 SynoZeel kernel: [47264.380770] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) Jun 9 20:55:15 SynoZeel kernel: [47266.884637] ata2: wake up successful, the reset fail can be ignored Jun 9 23:52:48 SynoZeel syno_hibernate_debug_tool: (162): End Hibernation Debug -
Ok je jetterai un coup d'oeil. Dis moi cela n'a rien à voir, mais sais tu pourquoi je ne parviens pas à générer des "Journaux système" dans le Centre d'assistance ? Je te renvoie vers mon autre poste du soir. Encore merci pour tes conseils : http://www.nas-forum.com/forum/topic/47729-impossible-daccéder-aux-journaux-système/
Des conseils particuliers pour ce faire Fenrir ? J'ai peur que le passage en https ne fasse tout fouarrer...!
Bonjour, Après avoir activé via SSH l'hibernation debug tool, j'essaye d'accéder aux journaux système. Je précise que j'ai laissé le debug tool tourner toute la journée. Or en me rendant dans le centre d'assistance puis en cliquant sur "Générer les journaux" (système seulement), un nouvel onglet s'ouvre et mouline pendant un moment sans jamais télécharger quoi que ce soit, contrairement au message affiché : "Le téléchargement commencera dans un instant...". En bas du navigateur il y a le message : En attente de 192.168.X.X Quelqu'un saurait-il pourquoi il m'est impossible de consulter ce log ? Un problème de ports ? Dois-je désactiver le debug tool au préalable ? Merci d'avance,
Tout fonctionne bien à présent en utilisant NetDrive. Merci à tous pour votre aide !
Alors, j'ai fait ce que tu m'as dis en commençant par le port 5000. Bonne nouvelle, l'accès fonctionne à la fois en local, sur les deux réseaux, et depuis l'ip externe ip...:5000. J'imagine que ca devrait fonctionner maintenant. Mais si je met ipexterne:5005 dans le navigateur, je n'arrive à rien, est ce normal ? Estce uniquement réservé au protocol Webdav ?