Hello à tous,
J'ai suivi le tuto pour utiliser Wireguard mais je sèche car wireguard-ui ne se lance pas.
Je suis sur un DS923+ en DSM 7.2, j'ai passé l'étape du kernel et maintenant j'ai ça le log de mon container
║ ║
║ Some of the contents of the folder /custom-services.d ║
║ are not owned by root, which is a security risk. ║
║ ║
║ Please review the permissions of this folder and its contents to make ║
║ sure they are owned by root, and can only be modified by root. ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Some of the contents of the folder /custom-cont-init.d ║
║ are not owned by root, which is a security risk. ║
║ ║
║ Please review the permissions of this folder and its contents to make ║
║ sure they are owned by root, and can only be modified by root. ║
║ ║
[custom-init] Service files found in /custom-services.d
[custom-init] watch.sh: service detected, copying...
[custom-init] watch.sh: copied
[custom-init] wg-ui.sh: service detected, copying...
[custom-init] wg-ui.sh: copied
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found
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██║ ╚════██║██║██║ ██║
╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝
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User UID: 1026
User GID: 100
Uname info: Linux 77bbb5ea1c1b 4.4.302+ #64570 SMP Thu Jul 20 00:04:37 CST 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
**** It seems the wireguard module is already active. Skipping kernel header install and module compilation. ****
**** As the wireguard module is already active you can remove the SYS_MODULE capability from your container run/compose. ****
**** Client mode selected. ****
**** No client conf found. Provide your own client conf as "/config/wg0.conf" and restart the container. ****
Du coup, comment dois-je faire pour donner les droits roor à ces dossier?
Et comment faire pour passer cette erreur "No client conf found"
Aussi, j'essaye de forward le port 51820 mais sur ma freebox pop il ne veut pas aller au delà du port 16383
Est-ce que je dois choisir un autre port du coup pour pouvoir faire mon port forwarding ?
Ou acheter un routeur ?
Merci d'avance !!