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J'ai un DS209 avec 2 disques dur 3.5" SATA :

1) Seagate 500Go (ST3500320AS)

2) Samsung 750Go (HD753LJ)

Tous les 2 sont bien dans la liste officielle des disques durs compatible de Synology.

Mais pourtant mon NAS ne se met jamais en hibernation.

J'ai param

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How To Retrieve The Hibernation Debug Log


1. Enable the monitoring function

2. Retrieve the log

3. Disable the monitor function

1. Enable the monitor function

Please follow the steps A-B-C to enable the hibernation debug mode:

A. Please enable the TELNET or SSH function in Web UI of your Synology NAS. ([Network Service] > [Terminal] )

B. Please login to the Disk Station using telnet or SSH with the user "root" and its password is same with the user "admin"

C. Execute the following command to enable the hibernation debug mode:

syno_hibernate_debug_tool --enable 1

2. Exit from telnet mode and Leave DiskStation for a while

After enabling the log, please do not access your Disk Station or run downloading or other services on DiskStation. When the hibernation time has passed, then you can begin to retrieve the log messages. It's best that you can enable the hibernation debug before going to bed. After you wake up the next day, please just follow the STEP3 to get the log.

3. Retrieve the log

At this time, follow the steps below to retrieve the kernel log. To obtain the Kernel Log please follow the steps below:

1. Log in to Management UI.

2. You will see a link similar to:

3. Add "?debug=1" to the link. So the above link will look like:

4. Press "Enter", and then the Kernel Log can be downloaded.

5. Please rename the Kernel Log to DebugHiberKernel before sending it.

Due to our mail server filter, we are unable to receive compressed files (the kernel log is compressed). As a work around, please rename the extension of the file. For example, if the extension is .zip or .rar , then rename it to .asd or something like that.

4. Disable the monitoring function

After retrieving the log message, remember to disable the hibernation function.

In the console mode, type following command:

syno_hibernate_debug_tool --disableIf you forget to close this function, it will keep logging these debug messages until the system has been rebooted, and the /var/log/messages will fill up with hibernation log messages.


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