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Manustarfoot, j'espère que tu n'as pas cédé, je viens de faire mon enquete et Syno va lancer en JUILLET une version beta de media server compatible DLNA... ils m'ont répondu ce jour ce qui suit:

"I appologize for causing you confusions. I feel really shamed on this and will

re-examine our website contents and make sure it is clear.

We are currently developing a brand new media server that is flexible in

orgaining play list, powerful in managing multimedia data and will be DLNA

compliant. I assure you it will be DLNA compliance or I will refund you all the

money. This new media server beta version is planned to be available in early

July and final version in September. The future upgrade will be FREE. (This

means you can upgrade your DS409+ to be dlna compliant in July...)

Therefore, I can assure you that DS409+ WILL BE DLNA compliant in Septermber. (I

can NOT claim the current DS409+ is dlna compliant because we are moving to new

software and it makes no sense to send to dlna lab to test old software)

Alors, heureux? :shok:

tant que j'y suis ils m'ont aussi annoncé plein de bonne choses, dont un controle total du contenu du serveur à distance (ou à la maison!) avec un iphone

"By the way, We are about to release our new DSM 2.2 which features some exciting

new functions. I like disclose this to you as a very first hand information.

- iPHONE support. You can listen to your music stored in Synology Disk Station

thru wifi/3G, in the home or on the road, same to photos and video.

- Time machine support.

- Brand new and powerful media server that is DLNA compliant


- Firewall

- and many others..."

alors, très heureux ? :D

netfilter ? proxy server ?

euh un syno plus puissant pour faire tourner tout cela :sorry:

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