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  • 4 semaines après...


Mandatory requirements

Checking that PHP version is at least 5.3.1 (5.2.12 installed)What to do: Install PHP 5.3.1 or newer (current version is 5.2.12 Checking that the "date.timezone" setting is setWhat to do: Set the "date.timezone" setting in php.ini (like Europe/Paris) Checking that cache/ directory is writableWhat to do: Change the permissions of the hello/cache/ directory so that the web server can write in it Checking that the logs/ directory is writableWhat to do: Change the permissions of the hello/logs/ directory so that the web server can write in it

Is there a solution ?

  • 1 mois après...

  Le 3/14/2010 à 2:56 PM, neofinance a dit :


Mandatory requirements

Checking that PHP version is at least 5.3.1 (5.2.12 installed)What to do: Install PHP 5.3.1 or newer (current version is 5.2.12 Checking that the "date.timezone" setting is setWhat to do: Set the "date.timezone" setting in php.ini (like Europe/Paris) Checking that cache/ directory is writableWhat to do: Change the permissions of the hello/cache/ directory so that the web server can write in it Checking that the logs/ directory is writableWhat to do: Change the permissions of the hello/logs/ directory so that the web server can write in it

Is there a solution ?

why not install symfony 1.3.4 :

pear install symfony/symfony-1.3.4

It's OK with php 5.2.10

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