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Position Horizontale Du Ds210j


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est qu'il n'y aura pas d'incidence de température et de fonctionnement sur les DD et sur la carte mère ?

Oui c'est faisable mais ce n'est pas recommandé par Synology pour des raisons de ventilations, les Synology étant prévus pour être posés verticalement.

The Synology unit cannot be laid flat, it must stand vertically; if the Synology unit lays on it's side then it cannot cool the HDDs correctly.

It's not a recommended position because the air won't flow as our engineers would like it to be; as our system is designed to take advantage of how hot air rises and cool air is near the bottom (not attempting to be offensive or anything). If the unit lays on it's side, the components on the motherboard and the HDD themselves won't be cooled as adequately as we like, and it may affect the overall longevity of the system. IE, the exhaust air would stay near the top of the motherboard/HDDs longer or stay warmer then we would want it to.

In practice, yes you can run a single/dual bay system horizontally, it's something that we don't recommend.

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