banian Posté(e) le 30 mars 2010 Posté(e) le 30 mars 2010 (modifié) Je transmets (en anglais) ce que j'ai envoyé au forum anglais et au Synology Team Support. Cela concerne essentiellement les utilisateurs Mac qui ne peuvent résoudre (au moins provisoirement en attendant une nouvelle mise à jour) la difficulté qu'ils rencontrent avec Safari ou Firefox + les problèmes d'enregistrement non désirés.... Cela pourra aider certains qui utilisent le Nas 109, sans toutefois exclure les autres. Si pb de compréhension à cause de l'anglais, je prendrai le temps de traduire ou d'expliquer. J'y ai déjà passé beaucoup de temps mais ce ne sera poas un problème. " This applies with NAS 109, I don't know for others syno, but i'm pretty sure it's a way of resolving the same problems with the new update (2.3). It is just for waiting a new update, and this suppose you have Parallel desktop or another PC emulator. First, to resolve the flickering issue in Live view with Firefox, and no image in Safari, update with this patch : ftp://***/synology_88f6281_109_1143.pat (from synology team support) Second, you should use Internet Explorer (I get IE8) with Parallels Desktop for connecting to your syno. Without it, impossible to do something... More options than in Safari or Firefox, and specially access to Manual recordings. My last problem : impossible to get only motion detection recordings : a sort of "automatic" Manual recording was always on, and i got 500 Mo recordings... So, I give you the content of my last mail to synology team support (still no answer). I hope mac users can resolve with this the new problems with DSM 2.3, at least for a while, waiting a new update. Remenber : you need Internet Explorer to do so. The cursor in the Events will not work all times, but it is a small inconvenient. "After many tries, I can confirm this : if you have not stopped the "Manual recording" by clicking in Live View the green cam button for manual recording , even if this button is still green and in the same time the mode "Manual Recording" is on (blue sign "Record" on screen in the information line), no way to get free of it. So, you have to click the green cam, even if the manual record is on (REC on screen), the green cam becomes red, and you click again to stop it (back to green cam, after a while). And this, for each camera. After that, the Manual recording stops its automatic starting. And I discovered this, the more important point : you should not delete in "Events" all these "manual recordings", never. If you do so, with nothing in "Events", the manual recording starts again automatically... and for one hour in my case, following by another one hour recording, and so on. That's why I got this problem again yesterday. If you keep at least one Manual recording (blue rectangle) in Events, and for each camera, it's ok... If you did this, you may have your choice for recordings and get green rectangles. And you may delete all the green events... No problems. You may also disconnect the electrical alimentation of the camera. No problems. But you cannot deactivate the camera in the manager : the problem starts again for this cam, even if you kept one of the blue events for this cam. Further more, each time you modify after that the recording mode for one cam, the problem starts again for this cam, and only for it... In IE8 or Safari.. I've been trying after for Safari in mac OSX : all is ok, but you have to stop the automatic manual recording in IE8 before. IE is compulsory for a mac user and it is impossible without an Emulator like Parallels Desktop. If this can help you, I would be very happy cause I spent long time on it" Good luck for all" Modifié le 30 mars 2010 par cutterman Pas de lien direct vers le ftp Synology 0 Citer
banian Posté(e) le 1 avril 2010 Auteur Posté(e) le 1 avril 2010 Bonjour Junix, je suppose que tu as un PC, mais je pense que tu dois avoir le m 0 Citer
junix Posté(e) le 6 avril 2010 Posté(e) le 6 avril 2010 Salut, niveau enregistrement je n'arrive m 0 Citer
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