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Maj Dsm 3 Beta => Dsm 3 Finale : Probl


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Post en direct du forum anglais :

I had this issue on my DS1010+ no long ago with DSM 2.3 and Synology was almost sleepless until they could solve it.

Finally they did and there was a problem with the system partition witch they repaired somehow with ssh access to my box. I think you guys might have the same issue. Note that SMART Status don't show this error :/

Donc pour traduire vite fait, il a eu le m

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Salut à tous. Je viens de recevoir une reponse de syno

"Please provide us with more information regarding this issue:

- What operating system and browser were used to upgrade to DSM3.0

- Which DSM version was in the system before upgrading to DSM3.0?

- Which site was the DSM3.0 downloaded from?




- What type of volume(RAID1, RAID5, RAID6, etc) is in the system?

-Any third party application installed on the system?

-Which DSM services were enabled before the DSM3.0 upgrade?

Please perform these steps:

1. Reboot the system, if it doesn't reboot normally, try pressing and hold the power button until the system shuts down or if necessary unplug the power cord.

When the system reboots, let the blue power LED flash for at least 1-2 hours.

2. If the problem persists, please perform a motherboard test for us by remove the hard drives in the system and boot up the system without any disks. See if the blue power LED flashes during this setup.

If possible,re-install the DSM3.0 onto a spare hard drive and see if DSM3.0 will install successfully onto the spare disk. "

Je tenterai ce soir.

Petite question: vous avez fait la MAJ avec quel browser? Chez moi, c'était Firefox 3.6.


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