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Il est toujours en 3.2 sur la page de download du site Syno, comme les modèles qui n'ont pas évolué ( et n'évolueront plus ) donc pas trop d'espoir à mon avis.

  • 5 semaines après...

D'après ce que je vois, il y a sur le download center de synology une nouvelle version du DSM3.2-1968 (17/4/2012) :

  1. Improved NTFS Performance: Data transfer performance between NTFS formatted external hard disk and USB Station 2 can be 2.6 times as fast as the previous version. The speed test result of writing data from USB Station 2 to the connected NTFS USB hard disk is listed below:
  2. Enhanced the DSM Video Player compatibility with VLC media player 2.0.
  3. Fixed an issue where you cannot listen to RadioIO Internet radio programs in Audio Station.
  4. Minor fixes.

... pas de DSM 4 on dirait :unsure:


D'après ce que je vois, il y a sur le download center de synology une nouvelle version du DSM3.2-1968 (17/4/2012) :

http://www.synology....=USB Station 2

  1. Improved NTFS Performance: Data transfer performance between NTFS formatted external hard disk and USB Station 2 can be 2.6 times as fast as the previous version. The speed test result of writing data from USB Station 2 to the connected NTFS USB hard disk is listed below:
  2. Enhanced the DSM Video Player compatibility with VLC media player 2.0.
  3. Fixed an issue where you cannot listen to RadioIO Internet radio programs in Audio Station.
  4. Minor fixes.

... pas de DSM 4 on dirait :unsure:

Quel tristesse :-(

Sinon je me demandais si une version USB3 pouvait voir le jours ???

  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Je souhaiterais m'acheter un USB Station et j'ai écrit à Syno pour savoir le support du DSM 4. A priori il sera disponible, mais aucune info sur la date.


Dear Alexandre,

Thank you for contacting Synology, and please allow me to reply in English. About your question, DSM 4.0 upgrade for USB Station 2 is still in our todo list, however we cannot provide a schedule at the moment, as well for future USB Stations.

To make sure your Synology NAS can use DSM 4.0 or above, please chooce DiskStation/RackStation products launched from x08-series and onward. For more information, kindly visit the release note of DSM 4.0.

I hope this info helps, please feel free to let me know if we can be of any further service. Have a nice day.


Best regards,

Peter Chen

Modifié par Alex3137
  • 3 mois après...

Je souhaiterais m'acheter un USB Station et j'ai écrit à Syno pour savoir le support du DSM 4. A priori il sera disponible, mais aucune info sur la date.


Dear Alexandre,

Thank you for contacting Synology, and please allow me to reply in English. About your question, DSM 4.0 upgrade for USB Station 2 is still in our todo list, however we cannot provide a schedule at the moment, as well for future USB Stations.

To make sure your Synology NAS can use DSM 4.0 or above, please chooce DiskStation/RackStation products launched from x08-series and onward. For more information, kindly visit the release note of DSM 4.0.

I hope this info helps, please feel free to let me know if we can be of any further service. Have a nice day.


Best regards,

Peter Chen

Malheureusement la to-do semble extrêmement longue! Les DSM va passer en 4.1 et rien en vue pour l'USB Station 2...

  • 1 mois après...

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