Superthx Posté(e) le 9 octobre 2012 Partager Posté(e) le 9 octobre 2012 Bonjour, J'ai un DS1511+ (DSM 4.1 à jour) avec wordpress installé dessus (Version 3.3-002) des paquets dispo du synology. Dans Wordpress y'a le plugin Insert From PhotoStation. Mais je trouve pas la manip pour le faire marcher. Ni comment cela fonctionne. Je crois que se plugin permet d'ajouter ou de faire un lien sur les photos stockees sur le synology. Sa m'evitera d'avoir des photos en double. Ou faut il configurer le plugin suivant. Je vous laisse un extrait du fichier. <?php /* Plugin Name: Insert From PhotoStation Version: 1.1 Plugin URI: Description: The plug-in enables you to insert photos from Photo Station. Author: Synology Inc. Author URI: */ $GLOBALS['insert-from-photostation'] = new insert_from_photostation(); class insert_from_photostation { var $basename = ''; var $folder = ''; var $version = '1.1'; function insert_from_photostation() { //Set the directory $this->basename = plugin_basename(__FILE__); $this->folder = dirname($this->basename); if ("yes" != @exec("/usr/syno/bin/synogetkeyvalue /etc/synoinfo.conf runphoto") && !@file_exists ("/var/packages/PhotoStation/enabled")) { $current = get_settings('active_plugins'); if (in_array( $this->basename, $current)) { array_splice($current, array_search($this->basename, $current), 1 ); update_option('active_plugins', $current); header("Location: wp-admin/plugins.php?deactivate=true"); } } //Register general hooks. add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'admin_init')); register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'activate')); register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'deactivate')); } function print_language_for_js(){ $err = false; $content = ''; $content .= 'chooser_align = \'' .__("Align") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_thumbnail_size = \'' .__("Thumbnail size") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_align_left= \'' .__("Align Left") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_align_center= \'' .__("Align Center") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_align_right= \'' .__("Align Right") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_insert_an_image = \'' .__("Insert an Image") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_image_properties = \'' .__("Image properties") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_cancel = \'' .__("Cancel") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_requires = \'' .__("Align") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_error = \'' .__("Error") . "';\n"; $content .= 'chooser_no_public_folder = \'' .__("Can\'t find a public folder in Photo Station") . "';\n"; if (!($fw = fopen(ABSPATH.'/wp-content/plugins/'.$this->folder.'/client_string.js','w'))) { return $err; } if (!(fwrite($fw, $content))) { return $err; } fclose($fw); return true; } function admin_init() { //Load any translation files needed: $this->print_language_for_js(); //Register our JS & CSS wp_register_style ('ext-all', plugins_url( $this->folder . '/scripts/ext-3/resources/css/ext-all.css' ), array()); wp_register_style ('ext-theme-gray', plugins_url( $this->folder . '/scripts/ext-3/resources/css/xtheme-gray-syno.css' ), array()); wp_register_style ('chooser.css', plugins_url( $this->folder . '/scripts/ImageChooser.css' ), array()); wp_register_script('ext-base', plugins_url( $this->folder . '/scripts/ext-3/adapter/ext/ext-base.js' ), array()); wp_register_script('ext-all', plugins_url( $this->folder . '/scripts/ext-3/ext-all.js' ), array()); wp_register_script('insert-from-photostation', plugins_url( $this->folder . '/scripts/insert-from-photostation.js' ), array(), $this->version); wp_register_script('chooser', plugins_url( $this->folder . '/scripts/ImageChooser.js' ), array(), $this->version); wp_register_script('strings',plugins_url( $this->folder . '/client_string.js'), array(), $this->version); //Enqueue JS & CSS add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', array(&$this, 'add_head_files')); add_filter('load-post-new.php', array(&$this, 'add_head_files')); add_filter('load-post.php', array(&$this, 'add_head_files')); //Add actions/filters add_filter('media_buttons_context', array(&$this, 'media_buttons_context')); } function activate() { global $wp_version; if ( ! version_compare( $wp_version, '3.0', '>=') ) { if ( function_exists('deactivate_plugins') ) deactivate_plugins(__FILE__); die(sprintf( __('<strong>Insert From Photo Station: </strong>This plug-in requires version %s or later.'), '3.1')); } if (3 < @exec("/usr/syno/bin/synogetkeyvalue /etc.defaults/VERSION majorversion")) { if ( false == @file_exists ("/var/packages/PhotoStation/enabled")) { if ( function_exists('deactivate_plugins') ) deactivate_plugins(__FILE__); die( __('<strong>Insert From Photo Station: </strong>This plug-in must be used with Photo Station.')); } } else if ("yes" != @exec("/usr/syno/bin/synogetkeyvalue /etc/synoinfo.conf runphoto")) { if ( function_exists('deactivate_plugins') ) deactivate_plugins(__FILE__); die( __('<strong>Insert From Photo Station: </strong>This plug-in must be used with Photo Station.')); } } function deactivate(){ delete_option('frmsvr_last_folder'); } function add_head_files() { //Enqueue support files. wp_enqueue_style('ext-all'); wp_enqueue_style('ext-theme-gray'); wp_enqueue_style('chooser.css'); wp_enqueue_script('ext-base'); wp_enqueue_script('ext-all'); wp_enqueue_script('insert-from-photostation'); wp_enqueue_script('chooser'); wp_enqueue_script('strings'); } function media_buttons_context($context) { do_action('insert_from_photostation_admin_header'); global $post_ID, $temp_ID; $dir = dirname(__FILE__); $image_btn = plugins_url( $this->folder .'/scripts/synops4.png'); $image_title = __('Insert image from Photo Station'); $out = ' <a href="" title="'.$image_title.'"onclick="return false;">'; $out .= '<img src="'.$image_btn.'" onclick="addExtImage.onclickSelectSynoImage();"/></a>'; return $context.$out; } }//end class ?> Je ne sais pas si il faut detailler ces 2 lignes. var $basename = ''; var $folder = ''; Merci. 0 Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
DjMomo Posté(e) le 9 octobre 2012 Partager Posté(e) le 9 octobre 2012 Je pense. Tu n'as pas essayé ? Le basename pourrait être ton nom de domaine et le folder le dossier photo. 0 Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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