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Un petit problème très gênant!

Les fichiers enregistrés sur mon mac dans le dossier cloudstation ne sont envoyés vers le nas si et seulement si les fichiers et/ou les dossiers ne comportent pas de caractères accentuées...

Je serai maintenant attentif lors de l'enregistrement de fichiers mais je ne me vois pas modifier l'ensemble de mes fichiers et dossiers pour supprimer les accents.

Le bug sera t-il corrigé? Existe t'il une alternative?

Merci à vous

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Je n'ai pas ce problème en Mac OS X.8.2.

Dans quelle version es-tu ?

Quelle version de CloudStation utilises-tu ?

J'ai par contre eu des problème de refus de synchronisation de dossiers /fichiers comportant des caractères accentués créés sous Win95 ! (ça ne nous rajeunit pas). J'ai effectivement dû retaper un par un les noms de dossier (en laissant les accents).

Modifié par St
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Pour info, voici la réponse de Synology au ticket que j'avais ouvert à ce sujet :

Hi ,

We have found the root cause.

Those special characters like ä,ö,ü have two different encode form, they are composed and decomposed form. Let's give you an example of the character "Å" can be encoded to U+00C5 (standard name "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH A RING ABOVE", and a letter of the alphabet in Swedish and other languages) OR to U+212B("ANGSTROM SIGN"), as referenced from:

In Windows and DS, both forms are used in filenames. However, iPad uses composed form only due to file system limitation.

We found that the original file name which synchronized between CloudStation client and server IS a decomposed form.

When iPad joined the CloudStation sync process, it will try to sync the original file because of its filename is decomposed form, which is not supported by iPad's file system. Hence, iPad will then convert the file to composed form of which supported format.

This action will update the file with composed form on CloudStation and synchronized to other clients, i.e. the PC and DiskStation.

The CloudStation server regards this is a new event, due to the original file is decomposed form which is differ from the one that was updated by iPad.

So this caused filename duplicates as both of DiskStation and PC considered they are different files in respective forms, but they all looked the same in presentation.

So that's the whole story.

Anyway, this will be addressed in next DSM releases. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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Pour info, voici la réponse de Synology au ticket que j'avais ouvert à ce sujet :

Hi ,

We have found the root cause.

Those special characters like ä,ö,ü have two different encode form, they are composed and decomposed form. Let's give you an example of the character "Å" can be encoded to U+00C5 (standard name "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH A RING ABOVE", and a letter of the alphabet in Swedish and other languages) OR to U+212B("ANGSTROM SIGN"), as referenced from:

In Windows and DS, both forms are used in filenames. However, iPad uses composed form only due to file system limitation.

We found that the original file name which synchronized between CloudStation client and server IS a decomposed form.

When iPad joined the CloudStation sync process, it will try to sync the original file because of its filename is decomposed form, which is not supported by iPad's file system. Hence, iPad will then convert the file to composed form of which supported format.

This action will update the file with composed form on CloudStation and synchronized to other clients, i.e. the PC and DiskStation.

The CloudStation server regards this is a new event, due to the original file is decomposed form which is differ from the one that was updated by iPad.

So this caused filename duplicates as both of DiskStation and PC considered they are different files in respective forms, but they all looked the same in presentation.

So that's the whole story.

Anyway, this will be addressed in next DSM releases. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Merci, cela explique pour partie le problème

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