max85 Posté(e) le 27 août 2013 Posté(e) le 27 août 2013 Sublime version, encore merci pour l'énorme travail effectué 0 Citer
sarakha63 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 de rien merci tu as un petit lien don dans l'appli si ca t'interesse 0 Citer
maxcore Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Je te l'avais dit!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Bonjour, J'ai un peu le meme probleme qu'avait maxcore. J'ai installé aujourd'hui la version custom et il ne trouve pas les episodes en FR bien que dans les logs il indique les trouver. Exemple de log pour Amedican Dad (American.Dad.S07E03.FRENCH.LD.HDTV.XViD-EPZ) les rls en US sont bien envoyés a nzbget. Aug-28 16:38:05 DB CP Server Thread-5 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE season != 0 and episode != 0 AND (airdate != 1 OR status IN (4,3276804,204,404,104,804,12804,25604,1604,3204,6404,2,3276802,202,402,102,802,12802,25602,1602,3202,6402,9,3276809,209,409,109,809,12809,25609,1609,3209,6409,6)) AND airdate <= 735108 AND status != 7 Aug-28 16:38:05 DB CP Server Thread-5 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE status IN (4,3276804,204,404,104,804,12804,25604,1604,3204,6404,6) AND season != 0 and episode != 0 AND airdate <= 735108 Aug-28 16:38:03 DB CP Server Thread-5 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE season != 0 and episode != 0 AND (airdate != 1 OR status IN (4,3276804,204,404,104,804,12804,25604,1604,3204,6404,2,3276802,202,402,102,802,12802,25602,1602,3202,6402,9,3276809,209,409,109,809,12809,25609,1609,3209,6409,6)) AND airdate <= 735108 AND status != 7 Aug-28 16:38:03 DB CP Server Thread-5 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE status IN (4,3276804,204,404,104,804,12804,25604,1604,3204,6404,6) AND season != 0 and episode != 0 AND airdate <= 735108 Aug-28 16:38:01 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Searching for download : American Dad! Saison 4 (20 Episodes) (sur (2008) [HDTV-Rip], search string = American Dad! - s04e** on BinSearch Aug-28 16:38:01 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Found : American Dad! - s05e** on NZBClub Aug-28 16:38:01 DB SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT link from episode_links where episode_id =? with args [103] Aug-28 16:37:53 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Searching for download : American Dad! Saison 5 (18 Episodes) (sur (2008) [HDTV-Rip], search string = American Dad! - s05e** on NZBClub Aug-28 16:37:49 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Searching for download : American Dad! Saison 5 (18 Episodes) (sur (2008) [HDTV-Rip], search string = American Dad! - s05e** on NZBIndex Aug-28 16:37:43 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Searching for download : American Dad! Saison 5 (18 Episodes) (sur (2008) [HDTV-Rip], search string = American Dad! - s05e** on BinSearch Aug-28 16:37:29 DB CP Server Thread-9 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE season != 0 and episode != 0 AND (airdate != 1 OR status IN (4,3276804,204,404,104,804,12804,25604,1604,3204,6404,2,3276802,202,402,102,802,12802,25602,1602,3202,6402,9,3276809,209,409,109,809,12809,25609,1609,3209,6409,6)) AND airdate <= 735108 AND status != 7 Aug-28 16:37:29 DB CP Server Thread-9 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE status IN (4,3276804,204,404,104,804,12804,25604,1604,3204,6404,6) AND season != 0 and episode != 0 AND airdate <= 735108 Aug-28 16:37:23 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Searching for download : American Dad ! Saison 6 - ĂŠpisodes 1 Ă 7 - 9 Ă 13 - 15 Ă 19 (2011) [HDTV-Rip], search string =** on NZBClub Aug-28 16:37:19 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Searching for download : American Dad ! Saison 6 - ĂŠpisodes 1 Ă 7 - 9 Ă 13 - 15 Ă 19 (2011) [HDTV-Rip], search string =** on NZBIndex Aug-28 16:37:12 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Searching for download : American Dad ! Saison 6 - ĂŠpisodes 1 Ă 7 - 9 Ă 13 - 15 Ă 19 (2011) [HDTV-Rip], search string =** on BinSearch Aug-28 16:37:12 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Found : American.Dad.S07E03.FRENCH.LD.HDTV.XViD-EPZ on NZBIndex Aug-28 16:37:12 DB SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT link from episode_links where episode_id =? with args [103] Aug-28 16:37:08 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Searching for download : American Dad ! S07e03 (2011) [HDTV-Rip] {720p}, search string = American.Dad.S07E03.FRENCH.LD.HDTV.XViD-EPZ on NZBIndex Aug-28 16:37:03 DB CP Server Thread-6 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE season != 0 and episode != 0 AND (airdate != 1 OR status IN (4,3276804,204,404,104,804,12804,25604,1604,3204,6404,2,3276802,202,402,102,802,12802,25602,1602,3202,6402,9,3276809,209,409,109,809,12809,25609,1609,3209,6409,6)) AND airdate <= 735108 AND status != 7 Aug-28 16:37:03 DB CP Server Thread-6 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tv_episodes WHERE status IN (4,3276804,204,404,104,804,12804,25604,1604,3204,6404,6) AND season != 0 and episode != 0 AND airdate <= 735108 Aug-28 16:37:01 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Searching for download : American Dad ! S07e03 (2011) [HDTV-Rip] {720p}, search string = American.Dad.S07E03.FRENCH.LD.HDTV.XViD-EPZ on BinSearch Dans ma conf, j'ai ; Uploaded with 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 J'ai même l'impression qu'il tourne en boucle car dans les logs il est toujours actif sur la serie American Dad à l'instant ou j'écris et je retrouve les mêmes releases Aug-28 17:53:35 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-73141 :: Found : American.Dad.S07E03.FRENCH.LD.HDTV.XViD-EPZ on NZBIndex 0 Citer
sarakha63 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 (modifié) c'est normal sur bonnews la recherche et longue et sur american dad il ya pas mal de scene exception. Cependant american dad je deconseille dutiliser sickbeard car l'ordre des saisons n'est pas bon dans tvdb (decallage a partir de la saison 2) Ce problème est connu de tout la scène mais tvdb ne veut pas changer il considére que c'est eux qui ont raisons Et en backlog, c'est normal que ca soit long il cherche toutes les possibilités et enverra a la fin ce qu'il aura trouver si dans ce qu'il a trouver ya des correspondances Pour tester fait un manual search sur un seul episode de quelque chose de sur tu verras. 99% de mes séries sont en fr donc tu en as un apercu la Modifié le 28 août 2013 par sarakha63 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Ah je pensai qu'il envoyait les nzb au fur et a mesure. si il ne fait ca qu'a la fin on va attendre pour voir car il tourne toujours (2h déjà !). Ah sinon j'ai remarqué un petit problème. Si tu coche subtitle sur une serie puis que tu retourne pour l'editer, l'option subtitle est alors décochée. si tu save il considère donc que tu ne les veux plus. Dans ta version, le fait de mettre le flag Archive sur des release stop-t-il le telechargement des release (dans le cas ou on est en custom) ou cela fonctionne-t-il comme la version d'origine ? Exemple ; J'ai une déjà la version "WEBDL 1080" et j'ai défini un custom archive de "WEBDL 1080 et Bluray 1080". Je souhaiterai qu'il n'essaye pas de télécharger la version bluray car j'ai une version que je considère de satisfaisante (une version correspondant a une des version souhaites dans le custom archive). En fait en cas de regle custom une option "Arreter les dn si une version contenu dans la regle Archive est presente" serait geniale. car rien de plus emmerdant que de telecharger une version, galerer parfois a trouver le bon subtitle bien synchro et de voir 6 mois apres toutes ma saison d'ecrasee par une version dont je n'ai pas les subtitle en tout cas merci pour ta version ! 0 Citer
sarakha63 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 Posté(e) le 28 août 2013 quelle navigateur car moi je n'ai pas se soucis pour la coche subtitle. PS: fais un test avec une recherhc manuelle unique d'un episode FR que tu es sur qui existe pour te rassurer. Mais pour american dad laisse faire car avec l'erreur de tvdb toutes les saisons seront décallés. Car en fait la saison 1 et 2 de tvdb sont en fait la saison un et donc les numérotations des releases ne suivent plus. La 6 et la 5 etc... Pour ta question sur l'archive je ne m'en sers pas mais pour moi il devrait marcher comme cela en tout cas la partie archive n'as pas bouger par rapport a l'origine 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Avec Chrome j'ai le problème (v29.0.1547.62m). Je viens de tester avec IE et effectivement là il n'y a pas ce problème. PS : J'ai supprimé la serie America Dad et j'ai du relancer le service car au bout de 9h il était toujours en train d'effectuer les mêmes recherches. 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 (modifié) Autre probleme. J'utilise nzbget et le script pour lancer le postprocessing. Cela marchait tres bien avec la version standard mais cela ne fontionne plus correctement avec la version custom. Lorsque le download est terminé, le script est bien lancé. SickBeard postprocess bien le fichier car il est copié dans le bon répertoire et il apparait comme downloaded sur le site web. Par contre bien que j'ai l'option "keep Original files" de non cochée il ne supprime pas le fichier du répertoire de download (alors qu'il le faisait avant). Il y a aussi apparament un pb sur les notification Aug-29 10:34:31 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Script result: synodsmnotify.cpp:153 Fail to send notify to @administrators log complet Aug-29 10:22:48 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Processing folder /volume1/Download/complete/Series/The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p} Aug-29 10:22:49 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM tv_shows Aug-29 10:22:49 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: MD5 search : 725eb6f6ee33b1e7a1626139d466d727 Aug-29 10:22:49 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: select * from processed_files where md5 = "725eb6f6ee33b1e7a1626139d466d727" Aug-29 10:22:49 INFO CP Server Thread-8 :: Processing /volume1/Download/complete/Series/The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}/The.Americans.S01E08.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-KiNGS.mkv (The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}.nzb) Aug-29 10:22:50 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM history WHERE resource LIKE ? with args [u'The_Americans_S01_E08_(2013)_[WebRip]_{1080p}_nzb'] Aug-29 10:22:50 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM history WHERE resource LIKE ? with args [u'The_Americans_S01_E08_(2013)_[WebRip]_{1080p}'] Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Found result in history: (261690, 1, []) Aug-29 10:22:50 INFO CP Server Thread-8 :: Analyzing name u'The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}.nzb' Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Parsed The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}.nzb into The Americans - S1E8 - () [WebRip] {1080p} [ABD: False] Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Checking scene exceptions for a match on The Americans Aug-29 10:22:50 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: cache.db: SELECT tvdb_id FROM scene_exceptions WHERE LOWER(show_name) = ? with args [u'the americans'] Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Scene exception lookup got tvdb id 261690, using that Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Parse result not suficent(all folowing have to be set). will not save release name Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Parse result(series_name): The Americans Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Parse result(season_number): 1 Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Parse result(episode_numbers): [8] Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Parse result(release_group): None Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Loading show object for tvdb_id 261690 Aug-29 10:22:50 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Retrieving episode object for 1x8 Aug-29 10:22:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: The old status had a quality in it, using that: 1080p WEB-DL Aug-29 10:22:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Quality of the episode we're processing: 64 Aug-29 10:22:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: SB snatched this episode so I'm marking it as priority Aug-29 10:22:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Is ep a priority download: True Aug-29 10:22:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: There is no existing file so there's no worries about replacing it Aug-29 10:22:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: This download is marked a priority download so I'm going to replace an existing file if I find one Aug-29 10:22:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Found release name The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p} Aug-29 10:22:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-29 10:22:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: STATUS IS 6404 Aug-29 10:22:51 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [6404, u'Philip and Elizabeth must stop an assassin from taking out key US scientists, while Stan and the FBI hunt the same man. Grannie shocks Elizabeth with the truth of what happened between Philip and Irina in New York.', 734947, False, 0, u'en', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 0, '', u'Mutually Assured Destruction', 4495414, '', u'The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}', False, 1, 261690, 8] Aug-29 10:22:52 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction Aug-29 10:23:01 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Using cached parse result for: The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p} Aug-29 10:23:02 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: formatting pattern: Season %S -> Season 1 Aug-29 10:23:02 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Destination folder for this episode: /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1 Aug-29 10:23:02 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Checking if the path /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1 already exists Aug-29 10:23:03 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Copying file from /volume1/Download/complete/Series/The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}/The.Americans.S01E08.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-KiNGS.mkv to /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.mkv Aug-29 10:29:29 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Setting permissions for /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.mkv to 666 as parent directory has 777 Aug-29 10:29:29 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE processed_files SET md5 = ?, filename = ? WHERE episode_id = ? with args ['725eb6f6ee33b1e7a1626139d466d727', u'The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction', 4495414] Aug-29 10:29:29 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: INSERT INTO processed_files (md5, filename, episode_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?) with args ['725eb6f6ee33b1e7a1626139d466d727', u'The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction', 4495414] Aug-29 10:29:29 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Setter sets location to /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.mkv Aug-29 10:29:29 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-29 10:29:29 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: STATUS IS 6404 Aug-29 10:29:29 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [6404, u'Philip and Elizabeth must stop an assassin from taking out key US scientists, while Stan and the FBI hunt the same man. Grannie shocks Elizabeth with the truth of what happened between Philip and Irina in New York.', 734947, False, 2039603612L, u'en', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 0, '', u'Mutually Assured Destruction', 4495414, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.mkv', u'The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}', False, 1, 261690, 8] Aug-29 10:29:29 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: INSERT INTO history (action, date, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) with args [6404, '20130829102929', 261690, 1, 8, 64, u'/volume1/Download/complete/Series/The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}/The.Americans.S01E08.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-KiNGS.mkv', -1] Aug-29 10:29:29 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: 261690: Downloading subtitles for episode 1x8 Aug-29 10:33:59 ERROR SUBLIMINAL :: Download failed: Download limit exceeded Aug-29 10:33:59 WARNING SUBLIMINAL :: Could not download subtitle ResultSubtitle(/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured, English, addic7ed, 1.00), trying next Aug-29 10:34:17 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-29 10:34:17 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: STATUS IS 6404 Aug-29 10:34:17 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [6404, u'Philip and Elizabeth must stop an assassin from taking out key US scientists, while Stan and the FBI hunt the same man. Grannie shocks Elizabeth with the truth of what happened between Philip and Irina in New York.', 734947, False, 2039603612L, u'en', '2013-08-29 10:34:17', 1, 'en,und', u'Mutually Assured Destruction', 4495414, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.mkv', u'The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}', False, 1, 261690, 8] Aug-29 10:34:18 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: 261690: Downloaded English, Undetermined subtitles for episode 1x8 Aug-29 10:34:28 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Using cached parse result for: The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p} Aug-29 10:34:29 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> The Americans - 1x08 - Mutually Assured Destruction Aug-29 10:34:30 INFO CP Server Thread-8 :: Executing command ['/usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify', '@administrators', 'Subtitle Download Finished', u'The Americans - 1x08 - Mutually Assured Destruction: English, Undetermined'] Aug-29 10:34:30 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Absolute path to command: /usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify Aug-29 10:34:31 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Script result: synodsmnotify.cpp:153 Fail to send notify to @administrators Aug-29 10:34:31 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Sending notification for The Americans - 1x08 - Mutually Assured Destruction: English, Undetermined Aug-29 10:34:32 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Boxcar notification successful. Aug-29 10:34:32 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: INSERT INTO history (action, date, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) with args [6410, '20130829103432', 261690, 1, 8, 64, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured', 'opensubtitles'] Aug-29 10:34:33 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Setting permissions for /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured to 666 as parent directory has 777 Aug-29 10:34:33 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Using cached parse result for: The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p} Aug-29 10:34:33 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> The Americans - 1x08 - Mutually Assured Destruction Aug-29 10:34:33 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Notification for NMJ scan update not enabled, skipping this notification Aug-29 10:34:33 INFO CP Server Thread-8 :: Executing command ['/usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify', '@administrators', 'Download Finished', u'The Americans - 1x08 - Mutually Assured Destruction'] Aug-29 10:34:33 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Absolute path to command: /usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify Aug-29 10:34:35 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Script result: synodsmnotify.cpp:153 Fail to send notify to @administrators Aug-29 10:34:35 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.xml exists: False Aug-29 10:34:35 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Using cached parse result for: The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p} Aug-29 10:34:35 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> The Americans - 1x08 - Mutually Assured Destruction Aug-29 10:34:35 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Metadata provider Synology creating episode metadata for The Americans - 1x08 - Mutually Assured Destruction Aug-29 10:34:41 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Getting show image at Aug-29 10:34:41 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Setting permissions for /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.jpg to 666 as parent directory has 777 Aug-29 10:34:41 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.xml exists: True Aug-29 10:34:41 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.jpg exists: True Aug-29 10:34:41 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-29 10:34:41 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: STATUS IS 6404 Aug-29 10:34:41 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [6404, u'Philip and Elizabeth must stop an assassin from taking out key US scientists, while Stan and the FBI hunt the same man. Grannie shocks Elizabeth with the truth of what happened between Philip and Irina in New York.', 734947, True, 2039603612L, u'en', '2013-08-29 10:34:17', 1, 'en,und', u'Mutually Assured Destruction', 4495414, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.mkv', u'The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}', True, 1, 261690, 8] Aug-29 10:34:41 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-29 10:34:41 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: STATUS IS 6404 Aug-29 10:34:42 DB CP Server Thread-8 :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [6404, u'Philip and Elizabeth must stop an assassin from taking out key US scientists, while Stan and the FBI hunt the same man. Grannie shocks Elizabeth with the truth of what happened between Philip and Irina in New York.', 734947, True, 2039603612L, u'en', '2013-08-29 10:34:17', 1, 'en,und', u'Mutually Assured Destruction', 4495414, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.mkv', u'The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}', True, 1, 261690, 8] Aug-29 10:34:42 INFO CP Server Thread-8 :: Executing command ['/usr/syno/bin/synoindex', '-a', u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E08 - Mutually Assured Destruction.mkv'] Aug-29 10:34:42 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Absolute path to command: /usr/syno/bin/synoindex Aug-29 10:34:43 DEBUG CP Server Thread-8 :: Script result: Aug-29 10:34:44 INFO CP Server Thread-8 :: Processing succeeded for /volume1/Download/complete/Series/The Americans S01 E08 (2013) [WebRip] {1080p}/The.Americans.S01E08.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-KiNGS.mkv Modifié le 29 août 2013 par nazdroopy 0 Citer
belote Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Bonjour, j'utilise aussi la géniale version custom (merci encore mille fois pour le travail ). J'ai juste 2 petites questions : mes séries sont bien avec flat folder décoché, mais pourtant il ne me crée pas de répertoire pour les saisons. J'ai loupé qqchose? Et comme plusieurs autres, le post processing ne supprime pas les fichiers mais les copie, j'ai pourtant la case keep original files qui est décoché. Je n'avais plus fait de maj depuis 2 semaines, j'avais 3 versions de retard, je l'ai fait hier, mais je n'ai pas encore vu de changement. En tout cas, merci encore pour cette version, ma femme est heureuse d'avoir des séries en fr 0 Citer
max85 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Perso pour les épisodes qui se copient au lieu de se déplacer, j'ai coché / décoché (en sauvant à chaque fois) et je n'ai plus jamais eu le problème. 0 Citer
belote Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Perso pour les épisodes qui se copient au lieu de se déplacer, j'ai coché / décoché (en sauvant à chaque fois) et je n'ai plus jamais eu le problème. J'aurais dû penser à faire ça Merci, j'essayerai ça ce soir 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 J'ai essayé la manip (j'ai rebooté le service ensuite) mais cela ne change rien pour moi, la rls reste dans le rep Download 0 Citer
sarakha63 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 (modifié) pour la creation des répertoires il faut aller dans epiode naming et créer un custom pattern avec le répertoire par exemple: Saison %0S/%SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN Pour le copiage au lieu du movage (lol): Cette focntion marche parfaitement. Les raisons peuvet etre diverses et sans log impossible de donner la raison (mais c'est à coup sur un problème de paramétrage, je suis assez sur de moi). Cependant je en supporte pas l'utilisation de script tel que nzbtosickberd ou autres. Sickbeard peut très bien s'en passer ; PS nazdroopy tu dis avoir changé et relancé mais as tu recup un nouvel épisode après cette manip ? Car il ne videra pas des existants il supprimera que ce qu'il postprocessera ? sinon peux tu me dire quels sont tes options de post processing torrent et nzb (impression de la page par exemple) (que je vois dans quel boucle tu passes) Modifié le 29 août 2013 par sarakha63 0 Citer
belote Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Je ne me souviens pas avoir fait un pattern pour les répertoires, mais bien pour les épisodes. Ca doit venir de là, je vais vérifier ce soir. Pour le movage ^^, je vais cocher puis décocher la case et on verra si ça fonctionne, sinon je viendrai poster les logs. Merci pour votre aide en tt cas, c'était du rapide 0 Citer
sarakha63 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 oui rajoutes un saison XX/ au debut (xx etant le pattern de numéro saison) inspires toi de mon exemple au dessus 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 pour la creation des répertoires il faut aller dans epiode naming et créer un custom pattern avec le répertoire par exemple: Saison %0S/%SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN Pour le copiage au lieu du movage (lol): Cette focntion marche parfaitement. Les raisons peuvet etre diverses et sans log impossible de donner la raison (mais c'est à coup sur un problème de paramétrage, je suis assez sur de moi). Cependant je en supporte pas l'utilisation de script tel que nzbtosickberd ou autres. Sickbeard peut très bien s'en passer ; PS nazdroopy tu dis avoir changé et relancé mais as tu recup un nouvel épisode après cette manip ? Car il ne videra pas des existants il supprimera que ce qu'il postprocessera ? sinon peux tu me dire quels sont tes options de post processing torrent et nzb (impression de la page par exemple) (que je vois dans quel boucle tu passes) Oui j'ai telecharge une nouvelle release juste apres avoir relance le serveur pour verifier. Concernant les logs je les ais mis dans le spoiler dans mon précedent post. sinon voici mes options (je fais pas de torrent) : Dans nzbget j'ai le support sickbeard (qui marche parfaitement avec la version non custom) 0 Citer
sarakha63 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 Posté(e) le 29 août 2013 pourras tu faire un test. desactiver le script dans nzbget et faire un scan and process (il faut la cocher et redémarrer le service) juste pour que je 'massure d'un truc merci 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 J'ai testé. Après avoir changé mes réglages sur nzbget et sickbeard j'ai relancer les 2 serveurs puis download une serie. Même constat, la release est bien traité et post processé mais elle reste dans le répertoire de download. Les logs sont dans le Spoiler. J'ai également cette erreur, à quoi peut-elle être due ? Aug-30 11:34:59 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Script result: synodsmnotify.cpp:153 Fail to send notify to @administrators Aug-30 11:27:31 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Recursively processing a folder: The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION Aug-30 11:27:31 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Processing folder /volume1/Download/complete/Series/The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION Aug-30 11:27:31 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM tv_shows Aug-30 11:27:31 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: MD5 search : e79774ac76b74cefc031e4c04bb05bd6 Aug-30 11:27:31 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: select * from processed_files where md5 = "e79774ac76b74cefc031e4c04bb05bd6" Aug-30 11:27:32 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Processing /volume1/Download/complete/Series/The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION/The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv (None) Aug-30 11:27:32 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM history WHERE resource LIKE ? with args [u'The_Americans_2013_S01E09_720p_HDTV_X264_DIMENSION'] Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Found result in history: (261690, 1, []) Aug-30 11:27:32 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Analyzing name None Aug-30 11:27:32 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Analyzing name u'The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv' Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Parsed The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv into The Americans - S1E9 - 720p.HDTV.X264 (DIMENSION) [ABD: False] Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking scene exceptions for a match on The Americans Aug-30 11:27:32 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: cache.db: SELECT tvdb_id FROM scene_exceptions WHERE LOWER(show_name) = ? with args [u'the americans'] Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Scene exception lookup got tvdb id 261690, using that Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Loading show object for tvdb_id 261690 Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Retrieving episode object for 1x9 Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: The old status had a quality in it, using that: HD TV Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Quality of the episode we're processing: 4 Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: SB snatched this episode so I'm marking it as priority Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Is ep a priority download: True Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: There is no existing file so there's no worries about replacing it Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: This download is marked a priority download so I'm going to replace an existing file if I find one Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Found release name The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-30 11:27:32 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: STATUS IS 404 Aug-30 11:27:33 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [404, u'Philip and Elizabeth are put to the test when a routine mission goes horribly wrong. Stan and the FBI are pushed to their limit when one of their own goes missing.', 734961, False, 0, 'en', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 0, '', u'Safe House', 4516404, '', u'The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION', False, 1, 261690, 9] Aug-30 11:27:33 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House Aug-30 11:27:33 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION Aug-30 11:27:33 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: Season %S -> Season 1 Aug-30 11:27:33 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Destination folder for this episode: /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1 Aug-30 11:27:33 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if the path /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1 already exists Aug-30 11:27:34 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Copying file from /volume1/Download/complete/Series/The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION/The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv to /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.mkv Aug-30 11:31:07 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE processed_files SET md5 = ?, filename = ? WHERE episode_id = ? with args ['e79774ac76b74cefc031e4c04bb05bd6', u'The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House', 4516404] Aug-30 11:31:07 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: INSERT INTO processed_files (md5, filename, episode_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?) with args ['e79774ac76b74cefc031e4c04bb05bd6', u'The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House', 4516404] Aug-30 11:31:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Setter sets location to /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.mkv Aug-30 11:31:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-30 11:31:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: STATUS IS 404 Aug-30 11:31:08 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [404, u'Philip and Elizabeth are put to the test when a routine mission goes horribly wrong. Stan and the FBI are pushed to their limit when one of their own goes missing.', 734961, False, 1133150400L, 'en', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 0, '', u'Safe House', 4516404, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.mkv', u'The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION', False, 1, 261690, 9] Aug-30 11:31:08 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: INSERT INTO history (action, date, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) with args [404, '20130830113108', 261690, 1, 9, 4, u'/volume1/Download/complete/Series/The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION/The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv', u'DIMENSION'] Aug-30 11:31:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 261690: Downloading subtitles for episode 1x9 Aug-30 11:34:47 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-30 11:34:47 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: STATUS IS 404 Aug-30 11:34:47 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [404, u'Philip and Elizabeth are put to the test when a routine mission goes horribly wrong. Stan and the FBI are pushed to their limit when one of their own goes missing.', 734961, False, 1133150400L, 'en', '2013-08-30 11:34:47', 1, 'en', u'Safe House', 4516404, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.mkv', u'The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION', False, 1, 261690, 9] Aug-30 11:34:47 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 261690: Downloaded English subtitles for episode 1x9 Aug-30 11:34:55 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION Aug-30 11:34:57 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House Aug-30 11:34:57 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Executing command ['/usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify', '@administrators', 'Subtitle Download Finished', u'The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House: English'] Aug-30 11:34:57 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Absolute path to command: /usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify Aug-30 11:34:59 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Script result: synodsmnotify.cpp:153 Fail to send notify to @administrators Aug-30 11:34:59 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Sending notification for The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House: English Aug-30 11:35:00 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Boxcar notification successful. Aug-30 11:35:00 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: INSERT INTO history (action, date, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) with args [410, '20130830113500', 261690, 1, 9, 4, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe', 'addic7ed'] Aug-30 11:35:00 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Setting permissions for /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe to 666 as parent directory has 777 Aug-30 11:35:00 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION Aug-30 11:35:00 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House Aug-30 11:35:00 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Notification for NMJ scan update not enabled, skipping this notification Aug-30 11:35:00 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Executing command ['/usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify', '@administrators', 'Download Finished', u'The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House'] Aug-30 11:35:00 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Absolute path to command: /usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify Aug-30 11:35:02 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Script result: synodsmnotify.cpp:153 Fail to send notify to @administrators Aug-30 11:35:02 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Sending notification for The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House Aug-30 11:35:03 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Boxcar notification successful. Aug-30 11:35:03 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.xml exists: False Aug-30 11:35:03 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION Aug-30 11:35:04 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House Aug-30 11:35:04 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Metadata provider Synology creating episode metadata for The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House Aug-30 11:35:11 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Writing episode nfo file to /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.xml Aug-30 11:35:11 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Setting permissions for /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.xml to 666 as parent directory has 777 Aug-30 11:35:11 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.jpg exists: False Aug-30 11:35:11 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION Aug-30 11:35:11 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House Aug-30 11:35:11 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Metadata provider Synology creating show metadata for The Americans - 1x09 - Safe House Aug-30 11:35:13 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Getting show image at Aug-30 11:35:14 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Setting permissions for /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.jpg to 666 as parent directory has 777 Aug-30 11:35:14 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.xml exists: True Aug-30 11:35:14 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.jpg exists: True Aug-30 11:35:14 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-30 11:35:14 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: STATUS IS 404 Aug-30 11:35:14 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [404, u'Philip and Elizabeth are put to the test when a routine mission goes horribly wrong. Stan and the FBI are pushed to their limit when one of their own goes missing.', 734961, True, 1133150400L, 'en', '2013-08-30 11:34:47', 1, 'en', u'Safe House', 4516404, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.mkv', u'The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION', True, 1, 261690, 9] Aug-30 11:35:14 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 261690: Saving episode details to database Aug-30 11:35:14 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: STATUS IS 404 Aug-30 11:35:14 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [404, u'Philip and Elizabeth are put to the test when a routine mission goes horribly wrong. Stan and the FBI are pushed to their limit when one of their own goes missing.', 734961, True, 1133150400L, 'en', '2013-08-30 11:34:47', 1, 'en', u'Safe House', 4516404, u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.mkv', u'The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION', True, 1, 261690, 9] Aug-30 11:35:14 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Executing command ['/usr/syno/bin/synoindex', '-a', u'/volume1/video/Series/The Americans (2013)/Season 1/The Americans - S01E09 - Safe House.mkv'] Aug-30 11:35:14 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Absolute path to command: /usr/syno/bin/synoindex Aug-30 11:35:16 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Script result: Aug-30 11:35:17 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Processing succeeded for /volume1/Download/complete/Series/The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION/The.Americans.2013.S01E09.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION.mkv 0 Citer
sarakha63 Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 tu peux m'envoyer ton fichier config.ini ou le copier dans un spoiler. C'est bien toi qui avait un soucis avec chrome avec les coches non ? Car au vu de ta log on dirait que les options réellement activés ne sont pas c elle que tu vois a l'écran simple supposisition. Car dans la log tu devrais voir apparaitre un moving au lieu d'un copying. Et aussi des cleaning directory. Tu les as meme pas . Car des fois ils peuvent y etre mais ca marche pas pour des questions de droits de fichier thumbs.db de windows ou autre mais la ya meme pas les lignes 0 Citer
sarakha63 Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 PS: tu peux reessayer avec la dernière maj stp avec la log 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 Oui j'ai le problème pour les coches sous chrome (mais d'autres l'on également apparemment). Par contre j'ai vérifié, la coche met bien a jour la valeur du paramètre keep_processed_dir (0 non coché et 1 si coché). J'ai fait la meme manip avec IE et fichier de config est modifié de la même facon. (par contre process_method est toujours à "copy" que ce soit avec IE ou Chrome). Est-ce cela le problème ? voici mon fichier de config, J'ai mis à jour ma version de sickbeard et je vais tester un nouveau download. [General] toggle_search = "" log_dir = Logs web_port = 8081 web_host = web_ipv6 = 0 web_log = 0 web_root = "" web_username = "" web_password = "" use_api = 1 api_key = 44c073cfd518cd6dcf8d689a3c343212 enable_https = 1 https_cert = server.crt https_key = server.key use_nzbs = 1 use_torrents = 0 nzb_method = nzbget torrent_method = blackhole prefered_method = nzb usenet_retention = 1812 search_frequency = 30 french_delay = 120 download_propers = 1 download_french = 1 quality_default = 29360244 status_default = 5 audio_show_default = en flatten_folders_default = 0 provider_order = sick_beard_index nzbid_org___naz nzbid_org newzb_net www_freenzb_com nzbs_r_us nzbs_org womble_s_index binnewz usenet_crawler nzbx omgwtfnzbs nzb_ag www_nzbfinder_ws btn cpasbien tvtorrents gks piratebay ezrss kat t411 torrentleech version_notify = 1 naming_pattern = Season %S/%SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN naming_custom_abd = 0 naming_abd_pattern = %SN - %A-D - %EN naming_multi_ep = 32 launch_browser = 0 update_shows_on_start = 1 sort_article = 0 french_column = 1 use_banner = 0 use_listview = 0 metadata_xbmc = 0|0|0|0|0|0 metadata_xbmcfrodo = 0|0|0|0|0|0 metadata_mediabrowser = 0|0|0|0|0|0 metadata_ps3 = 0|0|0|0|0|0 metadata_wdtv = 0|0|0|0|0|0 metadata_tivo = 0|0|0|0|0|0 metadata_synology = 1|1|1|0|1|1 cache_dir = cache root_dirs = 0|/volume1/video/Series tv_download_dir = /volume1/Download/complete torrent_download_dir = "" keep_processed_dir = 0 process_method = copy move_associated_files = 0 process_automatically = 1 process_automatically_torrent = 0 rename_episodes = 1 create_missing_show_dirs = 0 add_shows_wo_dir = 0 extra_scripts = "" git_path = "" ignore_words = "german,spanish,core2hd,dutch,swedish" config_version = 1 [Blackhole] nzb_dir = "" torrent_dir = "" [EZRSS] ezrss = 0 [TVTORRENTS] tvtorrents = 0 tvtorrents_digest = "" tvtorrents_hash = "" [BTN] btn = 0 btn_api_key = "" [TorrentLeech] torrentleech = 0 torrentleech_key = "" [NZBs] nzbs = 0 nzbs_uid = "" nzbs_hash = "" [NZBsRUS] nzbsrus = 0 nzbsrus_uid = "" nzbsrus_hash = "" [NZBMatrix] nzbmatrix = 0 nzbmatrix_username = "" nzbmatrix_apikey = "" [Newzbin] newzbin = 0 newzbin_username = "" newzbin_password = "" [BinNewz] binnewz = 1 [T411] t411 = 0 username = "" password = "" [Cpasbien] cpasbien = 0 [kat] kat = 0 [PirateBay] piratebay = 0 piratebay_proxy = False piratebay_proxy_url = "" piratebay_trusted = False [Womble] womble = 1 [nzbX] nzbx = 0 nzbx_completion = 100 [omgwtfnzbs] omgwtfnzbs = 0 omgwtfnzbs_uid = "" omgwtfnzbs_key = "" [GKS] gks = 0 gks_key = "" [SABnzbd] sab_username = "" sab_password = "" sab_apikey = "" sab_category = tv sab_host = http:/// [NZBget] nzbget_password = test nzbget_category = Series nzbget_host = localhost:6789 [TORRENT] torrent_username = "" torrent_password = "" torrent_host = http:/// torrent_path = "" torrent_ratio = "" torrent_paused = 0 torrent_label = "" [XBMC] use_xbmc = 0 xbmc_notify_onsnatch = 0 xbmc_notify_ondownload = 0 xbmc_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 xbmc_update_library = 0 xbmc_update_full = 0 xbmc_update_onlyfirst = 0 xbmc_host = "" xbmc_username = "" xbmc_password = "" [Plex] use_plex = 0 plex_notify_onsnatch = 0 plex_notify_ondownload = 0 plex_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 plex_update_library = 0 plex_server_host = "" plex_host = "" plex_username = "" plex_password = "" [Growl] use_growl = 0 growl_notify_onsnatch = 0 growl_notify_ondownload = 0 growl_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 growl_host = "" growl_password = "" [Prowl] use_prowl = 0 prowl_notify_onsnatch = 0 prowl_notify_ondownload = 0 prowl_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 prowl_api = "" prowl_priority = 0 [Twitter] use_twitter = 0 twitter_notify_onsnatch = 0 twitter_notify_ondownload = 0 twitter_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 twitter_username = "" twitter_password = "" twitter_prefix = Sick Beard [Notifo] use_notifo = 0 notifo_notify_onsnatch = 0 notifo_notify_ondownload = 0 notifo_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 notifo_username = "" notifo_apisecret = "" [Boxcar] use_boxcar = 1 boxcar_notify_onsnatch = 1 boxcar_notify_ondownload = 1 boxcar_notify_onsubtitledownload = 1 boxcar_username = [Pushover] use_pushover = 0 pushover_notify_onsnatch = 0 pushover_notify_ondownload = 0 pushover_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 pushover_userkey = "" [Libnotify] use_libnotify = 0 libnotify_notify_onsnatch = 0 libnotify_notify_ondownload = 0 libnotify_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 [NMJ] use_nmj = 0 nmj_host = "" nmj_database = "" nmj_mount = "" [Synology] use_synoindex = 1 [SynologyNotifier] use_synologynotifier = 1 synologynotifier_notify_onsnatch = 0 synologynotifier_notify_ondownload = 1 synologynotifier_notify_onsubtitledownload = 1 [NMJv2] use_nmjv2 = 0 nmjv2_host = "" nmjv2_database = "" nmjv2_dbloc = None [Trakt] use_trakt = 1 trakt_username = xxx trakt_password = xxxxxx trakt_api = 010fe164dad51674a32f097c00a8f509 trakt_remove_watchlist = 1 trakt_use_watchlist = 1 trakt_method_add = 3 trakt_start_paused = 0 [pyTivo] use_pytivo = 0 pytivo_notify_onsnatch = 0 pytivo_notify_ondownload = 0 pytivo_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 pyTivo_update_library = 0 pytivo_host = "" pytivo_share_name = "" pytivo_tivo_name = "" [NMA] use_nma = 0 nma_notify_onsnatch = 0 nma_notify_ondownload = 0 nma_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 nma_api = "" nma_priority = 0 [Pushalot] use_pushalot = 0 pushalot_notify_onsnatch = 0 pushalot_notify_ondownload = 0 pushalot_notify_onsubtitledownload = 0 pushalot_authorizationtoken = "" [Mail] use_mail = 0 mail_username = "" mail_password = "" mail_server = "" mail_ssl = 0 mail_from = "" mail_to = "" mail_notify_onsnatch = 0 [Newznab] newznab_data = Sick Beard Index|||1 [GUI] home_layout = poster display_show_specials = 0 coming_eps_layout = banner coming_eps_display_paused = 0 coming_eps_sort = date coming_eps_missed_range = 7 [Subtitles] use_subtitles = 1 subsnewasold = 0 subtitles_languages = en SUBTITLES_SERVICES_LIST = "addic7ed,tvsubtitles,opensubtitles,itasa,subtitulos,podnapisiweb,thesubdb,bierdopje,subswiki" SUBTITLES_SERVICES_ENABLED = 1|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0 subtitles_dir = "" subtitles_dir_sub = 0 subsnolang = 0 subtitles_default = 1 subtitles_history = 1 subtitles_clean_hi = 0 subtitles_clean_team = 0 subtitles_clean_music = 0 subtitles_clean_punc = 0 [FTP] ftp_useftp = 0 ftp_host = "" ftp_login = "" ftp_password = "" ftp_port = 21 ftp_timeout = 120 ftp_remotedir = "" ftp_passive = 1 0 Citer
nazdroopy Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 Posté(e) le 30 août 2013 Download terminé et le fichier a bien été déplacé ce coup ci !! Par contre il n'a pas clean le répertoire de download, il reste le repertoire de la serie avec les fichiers .ssr et .nfo. Aug-30 14:30:06 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Processing folder /volume1/Download/complete/Series/Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264 Aug-30 14:30:06 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM tv_shows Aug-30 14:30:06 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: MD5 search : dc7a99ea1ef6f40ac8f89c2da7a9aae5 Aug-30 14:30:06 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: select * from processed_files where md5 = "dc7a99ea1ef6f40ac8f89c2da7a9aae5" Aug-30 14:30:06 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Processing /volume1/Download/complete/Series/Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264/Continuum.S02E04.Second.Skin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264.mkv (None) Aug-30 14:30:06 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM history WHERE resource LIKE ? with args [u'Continuum_S02E04_1080p_WEB_DL_AAC2_0_H_264'] Aug-30 14:30:06 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Found result in history: (258171, 2, []) Aug-30 14:30:06 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Analyzing name None Aug-30 14:30:06 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Analyzing name u'Continuum.S02E04.Second.Skin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264.mkv' Aug-30 14:30:06 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Parsed Continuum.S02E04.Second.Skin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264.mkv into Continuum - S2E4 - Second.Skin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264 [ABD: False] Aug-30 14:30:06 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking scene exceptions for a match on Continuum Aug-30 14:30:06 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: cache.db: SELECT tvdb_id FROM scene_exceptions WHERE LOWER(show_name) = ? with args [u'continuum'] Aug-30 14:30:06 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: cache.db: SELECT show_name, tvdb_id FROM scene_exceptions Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Looking up Continuum in the DB Aug-30 14:30:07 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM tv_shows WHERE show_name LIKE ? OR tvr_name LIKE ? with args [u'Continuum', u'Continuum'] Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Lookup successful, using tvdb id 258171 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Parse result not suficent(all folowing have to be set). will not save release name Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Parse result(series_name): Continuum Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Parse result(season_number): 2 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Parse result(episode_numbers): [4] Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Parse result(release_group): None Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Loading show object for tvdb_id 258171 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Retrieving episode object for 2x4 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: The old status had a quality in it, using that: 1080p WEB-DL Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Quality of the episode we're processing: 64 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: SB snatched this episode so I'm marking it as priority Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Is ep a priority download: True Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: There is no existing file so there's no worries about replacing it Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: This download is marked a priority download so I'm going to replace an existing file if I find one Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Found release name Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 258171: Saving episode details to database Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: STATUS IS 6404 Aug-30 14:30:07 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [6404, u'Kiera est xe0 la poursuite de ce qu’elle croit xeatre un autre voyageur de temps, elle doit cependant dxe9jouer la curiositxe9 des fractions xab Liber 8″ et l’agent Gardiner trxe8s collant…', 735000, False, 0, u'en', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 0, '', u'Second Skin', 4555703, '', u'Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264', False, 2, 258171, 4] Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: Season %S -> Season 2 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Destination folder for this episode: /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2 Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if the path /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2 already exists Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Moving file from /volume1/Download/complete/Series/Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264/Continuum.S02E04.Second.Skin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264.mkv to /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.mkv Aug-30 14:30:07 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE processed_files SET md5 = ?, filename = ? WHERE episode_id = ? with args ['dc7a99ea1ef6f40ac8f89c2da7a9aae5', u'Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin', 4555703] Aug-30 14:30:07 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: INSERT INTO processed_files (md5, filename, episode_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?) with args ['dc7a99ea1ef6f40ac8f89c2da7a9aae5', u'Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin', 4555703] Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Setter sets location to /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.mkv Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 258171: Saving episode details to database Aug-30 14:30:07 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: STATUS IS 6404 Aug-30 14:30:07 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [6404, u'Kiera est xe0 la poursuite de ce qu’elle croit xeatre un autre voyageur de temps, elle doit cependant dxe9jouer la curiositxe9 des fractions xab Liber 8″ et l’agent Gardiner trxe8s collant…', 735000, False, 1757054584L, u'en', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 0, '', u'Second Skin', 4555703, u'/volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.mkv', u'Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264', False, 2, 258171, 4] Aug-30 14:30:07 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: INSERT INTO history (action, date, showid, season, episode, quality, resource, provider) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) with args [6404, '20130830143007', 258171, 2, 4, 64, u'/volume1/Download/complete/Series/Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264/Continuum.S02E04.Second.Skin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264.mkv', -1] Aug-30 14:30:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264 Aug-30 14:30:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> Continuum - 2x04 - Second Skin Aug-30 14:30:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Notification for NMJ scan update not enabled, skipping this notification Aug-30 14:30:08 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Executing command ['/usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify', '@administrators', 'Download Finished', u'Continuum - 2x04 - Second Skin'] Aug-30 14:30:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Absolute path to command: /usr/syno/bin/synodsmnotify Aug-30 14:30:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Script result: synodsmnotify.cpp:153 Fail to send notify to @administrators Aug-30 14:30:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Sending notification for Continuum - 2x04 - Second Skin Aug-30 14:30:08 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Boxcar notification successful. Aug-30 14:30:09 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.xml exists: False Aug-30 14:30:09 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264 Aug-30 14:30:09 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> Continuum - 2x04 - Second Skin Aug-30 14:30:09 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Metadata provider Synology creating episode metadata for Continuum - 2x04 - Second Skin Aug-30 14:30:15 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Writing episode nfo file to /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.xml Aug-30 14:30:15 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Setting permissions for /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.xml to 666 as parent directory has 777 Aug-30 14:30:15 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.jpg exists: False Aug-30 14:30:15 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Using cached parse result for: Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264 Aug-30 14:30:15 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> Continuum - 2x04 - Second Skin Aug-30 14:30:15 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Metadata provider Synology creating show metadata for Continuum - 2x04 - Second Skin Aug-30 14:30:16 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Getting show image at Aug-30 14:30:16 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Setting permissions for /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.jpg to 666 as parent directory has 777 Aug-30 14:30:16 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.xml exists: True Aug-30 14:30:16 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Checking if /volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.jpg exists: True Aug-30 14:30:16 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 258171: Saving episode details to database Aug-30 14:30:16 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: STATUS IS 6404 Aug-30 14:30:16 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [6404, u'Kiera est xe0 la poursuite de ce qu’elle croit xeatre un autre voyageur de temps, elle doit cependant dxe9jouer la curiositxe9 des fractions xab Liber 8″ et l’agent Gardiner trxe8s collant…', 735000, True, 1757054584L, u'en', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 0, '', u'Second Skin', 4555703, u'/volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.mkv', u'Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264', True, 2, 258171, 4] Aug-30 14:30:16 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: 258171: Saving episode details to database Aug-30 14:30:16 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: STATUS IS 6404 Aug-30 14:30:16 DB NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_episodes SET status = ?, description = ?, airdate = ?, hastbn = ?, file_size = ?, audio_langs = ?, subtitles_lastsearch = ?, subtitles_searchcount = ?, subtitles = ?, name = ?, tvdbid = ?, location = ?, release_name = ?, hasnfo = ? WHERE season = ? AND showid = ? AND episode = ? with args [6404, u'Kiera est xe0 la poursuite de ce qu’elle croit xeatre un autre voyageur de temps, elle doit cependant dxe9jouer la curiositxe9 des fractions xab Liber 8″ et l’agent Gardiner trxe8s collant…', 735000, True, 1757054584L, u'en', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 0, '', u'Second Skin', 4555703, u'/volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.mkv', u'Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264', True, 2, 258171, 4] Aug-30 14:30:17 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Executing command ['/usr/syno/bin/synoindex', '-a', u'/volume1/video/Series/Continuum/Season 2/Continuum - S02E04 - Second Skin.mkv'] Aug-30 14:30:17 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Absolute path to command: /usr/syno/bin/synoindex Aug-30 14:30:17 DEBUG NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Script result: Aug-30 14:30:18 INFO NZB_POSTPROCESSER :: Processing succeeded for /volume1/Download/complete/Series/Continuum.S02E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264/Continuum.S02E04.Second.Skin.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H264.mkv 0 Citer
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