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Version: 6.1.4-15217- 3 & 4


Messages recommandés

Version: 6.1.4-15217-4


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where Block LUNs cannot be enabled after upgrading to DSM 6.1.4-15217-3.
  2. Fixed an issue where Advanced LUNs larger than 2TB cannot be mapped to Targets after upgrading to DSM 6.1.4-15217-3.

Version: 6.1.4-15217-3


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  2. This update will restart your Synology NAS.

Fixed Issues

  1. This update is a repack to fix the iSCSI issues.
  2. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities pertaining to OpenSSL (CVE-2017-3735, CVE-2017-3736, CVE-2017-3737, CVE-2017-3738).
  3. Enhanced the stability of the Apollo Lake platform BIOS.
  4. Fixed an issue with abnormal transfer rates for LUNs when backing up to an external storage device.
  5. Fixed an issue where DSM may shutdown incorrectly when iSCSI Block LUN services are overloaded.
  6. Improved the error handling mechanism for the SSD cache when volumes crash.
  7. Enhanced the stability of the upgrade process for SHA clusters.
  8. Enhanced volume expansion process stability after an improper shutdown.
  9. Enhanced system efficiency for calculating large numbers of user and group privilege settings.
  10. Fixed an issue where Microsoft Office documents may fail to save when Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is installed.
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