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Je viens demander un peu d'aide ! j'avoue être perdu sur ce coup !

Après avoir voulu redémarrer Apache 2.4, l’accès au DSM via Web ne marche plus !

J'ai le droit a :


J'ai essayé de fouiller dans les logs /var/log/upstart plus bas se que j'ai trouvé, si quelqu'un aurait une piste pour moi ... Merci


vim pkg-WebStation-apache.log :

2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 Update web success
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 Update vhost success
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 Update php success
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 pkg-webstation-php-844257d5-dd27-4885-8fd8-96cf320e39ac start/running, process 30381
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 pkg-webstation-php-1a8f6234-b0c1-44fb-9306-a65ec946c7c8 start/running, process 30384
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 start: Job is already running: pkg-webstation-php-1a8f6234-b0c1-44fb-9306-a65ec946c7c8
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 start: Job is already running: pkg-webstation-php-844257d5-dd27-4885-8fd8-96cf320e39ac
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 reload: Unknown job: pkg-apache22
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 reload: Unknown instance:
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 reload: Unknown instance:
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 reload: Unknown instance:
2020-05-29T17:20:51+0200 reload: Unknown instance:


vim nginx.log

2020-05-29T17:17:55+0200 Start Nginx Server in Normal Mode ......
2020-05-29T17:40:51+0200 Stop Nginx Server ......


vim pkgctl-Apache2.4.log

2020-05-29T17:28:14+0200 ======== start Apache2.4 ========



synoservice --status

Service [pkgctl-PHP5.6] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-PHP5.6] is start.
Service [sftp] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [sshd] is start.
        [ssh-sftp] is start.
Service [snmp] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [snmpd] is start.
Service [synoovs-vswitch] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synoovs-vswitch] is start.
Service [pkgctl-FileStation] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-FileStation] is start.
Service [telnetd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [telnetd] is stop.
        [inetd] is stop.
Service [dc-output] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [dc-output] is start.
Service [syslog-acc] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [syslog-acc] is start.
Service [support-remote-access] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [synorelayd] is stop.
Service [synoconfd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synoconfd] is start.
Service [ups-usb] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [upsd-usb-adapter] is start.
Service [usbipd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [usbipd] is stop.
Service [gcpd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [gcpd] is stop.
Service [scemd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [scemd] is start.
Service [synomkthumbd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synomkthumbd] is start.
Service [upnpd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [upnpd] is stop.
Service [tftp] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [opentftp] is stop.
Service [pkgctl-TextEditor] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-TextEditor] is start.
Service [pkgctl-AntiVirus] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-AntiVirus] is start.
Service [crond] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [crond] is start.
Service [syslog-ng] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [syslog-ng] is start.
Service [synologrotate] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synologrotated] is start.
Service [pkgctl-WebStation] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-WebStation] is start.
Service [nmbd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [nmbd] is start.
Service [synologanalyzer] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synologand] is start.
Service [ldap-server] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [slapd-adapter] is stop.
Service [dbus] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [dbus-system] is start.
        [dbus-session] is start.
Service [bonjour] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [bonjour] is stop.
Service [btacd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [btacd] is start.
Service [nginx] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [nginx] is start.
Service [pppoerelay] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pppoerelay] is start.
Service [synovpnclient] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synovpnclient] is start.
Service [pkgctl-PHP7.3] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-PHP7.3] is start.
Service [s2s_daemon] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [s2s_daemon] is start.
Service [synotunnel] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [synotunnel] is stop.
Service [pkgctl-ReplicationService] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-ReplicationService] is start.
Service [synowstransfer] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [synowstransfer-adapter] is stop.
Service [pkgctl-OAuthService] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-OAuthService] is start.
Service [pkgctl-mediainfo] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-mediainfo] is start.
Service [synocacheclient] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synocacheclient] is start.
Service [natpmpd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [natpmpd] is stop.
Service [sssd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [sssd] is stop.
Service [synocontentextractd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [synocontentextractd] is stop.
Service [pkgctl-VPNCenter] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-VPNCenter] is start.
Service [ftpd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [ftpd] is stop.
        [ftpd-pure] is stop.
Service [findhost] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [findhostd] is start.
Service [iscsitrg] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [iscsitrg-adapter] is start.
Service [pkgctl-LogCenter] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-LogCenter] is start.
Service [manutild] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [manutild] is stop.
Service [synorelayd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [synorelayd] is stop.
Service [synocachepinfiletool] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synocachepinfiletool] is stop.
Service [heartbeat] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [heartbeatd] is stop.
Service [winbindd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [winbindd] is stop.
Service [apparmor] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [apparmor] is start.
Service [pkgctl-Apache2.4] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-Apache2.4] is stop.
Service [samba] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [smbd] is stop.
Service [synomkflvd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synomkflvd] is start.
Service [synonetd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synonetd] is start.
Service [atalk] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [netatalk] is stop.
Service [ntpd-server] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [ntpd] is start.
Service [nfsd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [nfsd-adapter] is stop.
Service [ddns] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [ddnsd] is stop.
Service [ups-net] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [upsd-net-adapter] is stop.
Service [cups-lpd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [cups-lpd] is stop.
        [inetd] is stop.
Service [pkgctl-Docker] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-Docker] is start.
Service [pkgctl-MariaDB10] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-MariaDB10] is start.
Service [bluetoothd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [bluetoothd] is start.
Service [nslcd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [nslcd] is stop.
Service [synosnmpcd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synosnmpcd] is start.
Service [miniupnpd-handler] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [miniupnpd-handler] is stop.
Service [synotifyd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [synotifyd] is stop.
Service [rsyncd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [rsyncd-adapter] is stop.
        [sshd] is start.
Service [synostoraged] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synostoraged] is start.
Service [synomount] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synomount] is start.
Service [synowifid] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [synowifid] is stop.
Service [cupsd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [cupsd] is stop.
Service [ssdp] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [minissdpd] is stop.
Service [synocgid] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synocgid] is start.
Service [pkgctl-phpMyAdmin] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-phpMyAdmin] is start.
Service [pkgctl-PDFViewer] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-PDFViewer] is start.
Service [synoindexd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synoindexd] is start.
Service [hotplugd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [hotplugd] is start.
Service [pkgctl-SynoFinder] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-SynoFinder] is start.
Service [synogpoclient] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synogpoclient] is start.
Service [pkgctl-HyperBackup] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-HyperBackup] is start.
Service [synoagentregisterd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [synoagentregisterd] is stop.
Service [synobackupd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synobackupd] is start.
Service [syslog-notify] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [syslog-ng] is start.
        [syslog-notify] is start.
Service [synopyntlmd] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [synopyntlmd] is stop.
Service [synoovs-db] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synoovs-db] is start.
Service [synoperfeventd] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synoperfeventd] is start.
Service [DSM] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synoscgi] is start.
Service [ftpd-ssl] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [ftpd] is stop.
        [ftpd-ssl] is stop.
Service [pkgctl-DownloadStation] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-DownloadStation] is start.
Service [pkgctl-StorageAnalyzer] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-StorageAnalyzer] is start.
Service [pkgctl-VideoStation] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [pkgctl-VideoStation] is stop.
Service [pgsql] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [pgsql-adapter] is start.
Service [synocrond] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [synocrond] is start.
Service [ssh-shell] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [ssh-shell] is start.
        [sshd] is start.
Service [avahi] status=[disable]
required upstart job:
        [avahi] is stop.
Service [ntpd-client] status=[enable]
required upstart job:
        [ntpd] is start.


vim pkg-apache24.log

2020-05-29T17:28:15+0200 pre-start
2020-05-29T17:28:15+0200 Start Apache Server .....
2020-05-29T17:28:16+0200 AH00558: httpd24: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
AH00316: WARNING: MaxRequestWorkers of 150 is not an integer multiple of ThreadsPerChild of 32, decreasing to nearest multiple 128, for a maximum of 4 servers.



Hello 😉
J'étais en 6.2.2-6, j'ai fait via Synology Assistant la migration vers 6.2.3 et j'ai récupéré mon accès !

C'est résolu !

  • 1 an après...

Bonjour @Lelolo

Afin de clarifier les deux postes,

Le premier ici présent, est concernant le service lui-même (après une recherche sur le forum)

Le deuxième concerne une question qui pourrait être liée à l'upgrade vers DSM7.0 (un side effect)

Le but n'est pas de "flooder" le forum, mais de partager et avoir un feedback

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